~Chapter 58~

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Please read Author's Note at the end to be well informed. Trust me, it's important if you're a fan of the series =)


Chapter Song

Warriors – Imagine Dragons


Standing under the powerful spurts of the shower head with eyes sealed shut; Adriana couldn’t help but feel nervous as the warm water pounded her in the face before running down her neck and chest.

Watching Salvatore take apart his gun about an hour prior and reload the magazine sent her into a silent nervous frenzy leaving her to eventually walk away to the bathroom.
She knew it was wrong to ask God to protect her boyfriend from danger, how could she when his actions were anything but peaceful? Yet it still didn’t stop her whispering a prayer while the water continued to pour down on her with great force.

The death of Luca had shaken her greatly. They had become closer than she ever thought possible after she temporarily ruined his relationship with Salvatore.
Their lunch catch ups had opened up a side to him she hadn’t expected to be there and thoroughly enjoyed his company while regretting her decision to run from Salvatore.

Eventually, slowly watching the pair work through her betrayal and differences, it brought her great joy to see them re pick up their friendship and finally work back together once more.
Had she known now what she did not then, she would have worked harder and faster. He was taken from them far too soon, so much still remained unsaid.

Now she feared for her boyfriend and his men. What if he lost someone else today? Would she feel totally responsible for finally breaking her silence? Should she have kept it to herself? Taken it to the grave with her?
Confusion fogged her mind just as the room filled with a similar fog from a heat considerably less dangerous.

Lost in deep thought she hadn’t noticed the bathroom door opening, Salvatore disposing of his clothes on the floor and stepping into the shower until the fogged shower door opened and he stepped in closing it behind him.

“Tutto apposto?” (Everything ok?) He asked curiously, an eyebrow raised with concern, she had been gone quite some time now. 

“Yeah...” She responded turning to properly face him, taking a small step back allowing him to also enjoy some of the warm water. “Just a little, I don’t know, worried I guess?”
she wasn’t even completely sure of her feelings herself. It wasn’t every day a löver or family member planned to open fire on a now rival family.

Reaching to pump some soap in his hands, Salvatore began to gently lather the liquid up and down his girlfriends arms, up her neck then down the front of her chest making sure to lather up her upper body first before directing her a little more under the water, rinsing her off and giving the same treatment to her legs starting from her hips.

“Let me do the worrying, you just relax.” Taking another pump of soap he also lathered himself up thoroughly before rinsing off with her, their bodies close together under the shower head.

“What if you get hurt? Or worse?” She questioned unsure how she would even deal with such a situation. She was bed bound and inconsolable with Luca, how would she be if she lost her boyfriend?
“I know I said I want them dead... And I still do, but what if the price is you? Then what?” A tinge of panic began to appear in her voice as she began to now rush her sentence with the realization that everyone was in danger now.

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