~Chapter 20~

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Chapter Song

Twin Skeletons (Hotel in NYC) - Fall Out Boy


There was screaming, tears, slamming of fists and objects, and mainly all from Adriana and Salvatore while Luca barely spoke unless spoken too, or mostly screamed at!
But by the end of it all they enjoyed a second coffee. Together in silence.

Salvatore and Luca weren't one hundred percent fine and all wasn't done and dusted. But it was a start. Everyone had said what they wanted to say, Adriana had explained she never had romantic feelings for Luca. She had dragged Luca under the bus that night out of pure rage and spite towards Salvatore.

She had wanted to hurt him in a way she knew he would react too. Knowing full well that it was wrong and that someone else was going to share the consequences of her actions. Salvatore never reacted to anything, but this she knew he would have no choice.
It was done to hurt him deeply. Drive him away. Make him angry enough to finally push her away instead of pulling her closer to him. She didn't want to feel for him, or anyone else.

She had severely misjudged the severity of Salvatore's feelings towards her. Once she had finally pushed him away and his life had been threatened she could not deny the feelings she was so strongly trying to ignore.

Adriana smiled up at Salvatore from behind her work desk. Her blue eyes conspicuously looking across at him through her thick eyelashes. Being in the office with him was easier today. A new week, a new slate, a new beginning.

"What?" He queried stopping the typing of an email to sit back in his leather chair examining her.

"Nothing." She took her bottom lip between her teeth as she continued to work.


"Nothing." She breathed keeping her eyes on her screen. "What are you doing?"

"Emailing Joseph Tancredi, even though we abandoned the guy he'd still like our hospitality. What are you doing?"

"You're my boss," Adriana smiled. "Shouldn't you know what I'm doing?" Her voice playful and cheeky earning a small chuckle from him.

"I'd like to think I know what you're doing one hundred percent of the time Adriana, I'm really just being polite when I ask. Maybe I'm testing you?" Getting up from his chair he walked over to the door leading out to the club. "Get up, I should show you a little more about this building."

Before heading to his destination, Salvatore made his way around the counter to the currently closed bar. He opened one of the many glass door fridges behind it illuminated by blue lights retrieving a glass bottle of orange juice.
Closing the fridge and placing the bottle on the counter to open he slipped a straw in then pushed the beverage towards Adriana.

"Drink." He encouraged, "I'm pumping you with too much caffeine lately, have some juice."

She grabbed the bottle with her left hand, her right hand coming up to take the straw between her fingertips gliding it between her lips as she took a long refreshing drink.
Pulling it from her lips she examined the orange branded bottle, "that's delicious" she stated impressed noticing Salvatore beginning his pursuit once again across the club.

"I need to show you how to open the safe." Salvatore declared taking a quick glance behind him, making sure she was close by.


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