~Chapter 27~

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Chapter Song

Skyfall – Adele


Elena flashed Stephanie a cheeky smile nudging her slightly with her elbow as the car before them came to a complete stop. "Looks like another customer" she whispered, "be on the lookout."
Inconspicuously receiving the small plastic hand off from her friend, she slowly began making her way to the stationed vehicle while Stephanie followed close behind turning her head from side to side keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings. The last thing they wanted was to be spotted and questioned by Salvatore's men.
As the automatic window slowly slid down Elena leaned over folding her arms across and onto the windows edge. With the drugs still concealed within the palm of her hand she flashed a smile at the well-dressed man knowing very well that just by the look of him she could easily over charge on this round.

"Can I help you with something?" Continuing her innocent facade she lingered in a flirtatious manner being sure to flash her most valuable assets to the potential customer before her.
She lowered her gaze at the sound of the man rustling around within the vehicle. She watched as he pulled open his glove box reaching for his wallet.

"I hear two gorgeous ladies are in the retail industry." Flipping open his wallet he flicked through numerous fifty dollar bills instantly noticing Elena's interests peak as he cautiously peeled through the notes.

"I'm not sure what you're implying." She lied knowing very well what he was after.
Continuing to watch on, the pair remained silent for a further thirty seconds before the man held up four fifty dollar bills between his index and middle finger.

"Look." He began but quickly pausing once more to cautiously check out their surroundings shifting uncomfortably within the restraint of his seatbelt. "My friend tells me your product is exceptional and that you normally stick to a particular clientele." He motioned the two hundred dollars further towards her, "this payment is for you and your friend over there, a sweetener if you will. I'd like to be a regular buyer."

"Family man like you huh?" Elena teased instantly judging by his appearance. She had met many men in her line of work, she thought herself to be a very good judge of character, she could spot the family men from a mile away.
Many of them would frequent the club and pay her girls a great amount of cash for a dance or two then casually leave to continue their perfect lives back at home with their wives.

"Two hundred dollars straight off the bat to start this relationship, then whatever you're charging for the goods. Four hits right now."

"Four hits?" She raised an eyebrow leaning further into the vehicle flashing him a cheeky smile. "I think we can accept that offer." Briefly turning her head to glance over at Stephanie.
"Steph, another three bags please." Turning back to lock eyes with the patiently waiting man in the vehicle she graciously accepted his cash, folding it up slowly and slipping it into her bra before handing over the one plastic sleeve in her hand.
Pushing herself slightly away from the door, she quickly straightened up and accepted the three more plastic sleeves from Stephanie, a little surprised when the customer had decided to exit the vehicle and approach the women.
"No need to leave your car Sir." Elena spun around revealing his completed order. "We'd be happy to commence doing business with you, I'm sure we can fulfil any sort of bulk order you'd like to place in the future." She smiled innocently placing the order in the man's waiting palm.

"I'm sure you can. Elena Buontempo, you're under arrest for the possession and trafficking of narcotics." Officer Ben O'Conner casually stated reaching for the cuffs in his back pocket, slipping the cocaine into the same area.

"WHAT?" Elena shrieked suddenly unable to form a complete sentence together as she stumbled across her words and Stephanie remained at a total stand still. Her heels firmly digging into the pavement preventing her from moving any further.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights?"
Taking hold of one of Elena's arms he easily twisted it behind her back, linking it with her right before clasping down and locking the cuffs. She was too shocked to even think about putting up a fight, let alone actually resisting arrest.

Elena looked up at Stephanie dumbfounded. Her hands firmly restrained behind her back feeling the weight of her arms slump down towards her lower back the moment Ben released her from his grasp.
She watched intently as she heard him speak the words once more, but this time to Stephanie who was alternating between sobbing and hyperventilating.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights?"


Elena watched her friend struggle against the second pair of cuffs while Officer Ben O'Conner drew his index finger to his lips hushing her protests in a casual manner.

"Shhhh." Ben tapped his finger against his lips repeatedly, "no need to panic ladies, I'm sure you're both equipped to do a minimum of ten years in prison..." He smirked continuing to restrain Stephanie from behind as she continued to act like a nuisance and push against him.
Shoving her in the lower back he pushed her towards the vehicle leaning over her to open the back door. "Let's go for a little ride to the station ladies."



I know, I know, super short chapter! In fact it's the shortest I've ever written... I may be inclined to double update if you guys show me how much you missed me and vote and comment like crazy... Just saying ;-)

Don't remember who Ben O'Conner is? That's ok =) he's the Officer who kept popping up in Book One - Silence in New York. The Officer who didn't like Salvo very much at all...

I'm very sorry I've yet to reply to everyone's comments/messages, this is VERY unlike me! Everyone who has followed me through this journey will know I have replied to practically every comment where possible. 

Unfortunately I wanted some time away from wattpad during the holiday season to brush off all that end of year negativity and be with family. I literally haven't even read one chapter on any of my favourite wattpad books, I completely switched off and just did what I wanted to do =p

Thank you to all my loyal readers who have been oh so patient! And to all those who took the time to PM me to check if I was ok and wrote on my wall - that was honestly so sweet of you guys. 

Now I'm sure you all know that I haven't particularly been feeling the wattpad joy as of late so bare with me while I rekindle that flame and get excited about sharing my story online again.

I will post the ENTIRE story on wattpad, there is no doubt there. Will I update every Monday? Will I play the 'let's hit goals for bonus update game'? 

I'm not sure guys... Let me fall in love with wattpad again and I'll let you know ;)

In the meantime, let's start by getting Whispers In New York back at some sort of ranking because right now it's been buried along with Jason's body somewhere =/

Don't forget... Comment and Vote x 

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