~Chapter 29~

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Chapter Song

My Demons - Starset


"I said, I want my phone call!" Elena slammed her tightly wrapped fist onto the table in front of her while Ben continued to casually flip through the manila folder filled with paper work.

He knew her file now better than she even knew herself. He had no doubt that the events of her earlier petty crimes fuelled by drugs and alcohol were jumbled in her mind. However, he was more than eager to refresh her memory.

"Hello!" She knocked on the table repeatedly; annoyed at the casual way he began placing individual sheets of paperwork across the table at an ever so slow agonizing pace. "You think this worries me?" She snapped more annoyed at the fact that he had yet to answer her and not so much with the information before her.
"This," she waved a hand across the table, the slight wind from the motion scattering the paperwork out of order. "This is all the past. I paid my fines, completed my community service, put this shĩt away!"

Officer Ben O'Conner raised an eyebrow at her, smirked a little in her direction, then reorganised the paperwork in complete silence.

"Miss Buontempo." Stretching backwards he pressed deeper into his chair finally breaking his silence. "I think you're in quite a predicament."

"I beg to differ. I want my phone call."

"That so?" He attempted to hold back the chuckle longing to escape him. "Ever play poker Miss Buontempo?"

"What is this a shakedown? You want to play some form of strìp poker with me officer? I'll pass and take the phone call thanks..."

This time Ben did laugh out loud, so much so that he made a show of wiping a fake tear from his eye before continuing. "You see Miss Buontempo, the thing is right now, you're holding a pair and baby..." He sat up, ran his index finger across the papers sprawled out in front of her and grinned knowingly. "I've got that royal flush..."

"You're delusional. You think the city is going to waste it's time on four tiny packs of cocàìnè? HA!" She threw her head back amused before flicking forward one of the pieces of paper back towards him. "Please! I was caught with more than that four years ago." Pressing her index finger firmly on the sentencing section of the paperwork she rolled her eyes, "you want me to pay another thousand dollar fine? Please, mail it to my address and stop wasting your time."
Pushing back against the table her chair dragged backwards forcing a piercing sound throughout the room as she stood to her feet. He had nothing serious on her and he certainly had nothing at all on Stephanie who had only just committed her first offense. There was no way she was leaving with anything more than a slap on the wrist and a cautionary fine.

"Sit." Ben motioned back to her chair calmly instructing her to obey.
He couldn't believe she was actually acting this còcky. The entire car ride she did not stir or complain while Stephanie sobbed continuously until Elena had ordered her to calm down and keep her mouth shut.
He already knew months ago when he first reviewed her file that she would be confident and most likely act invincible when it came to the law. How could she take them seriously when they had let her walk time and time again? It was no wonder she possessed all the confidence in the world.

"Give me my phone call and put me in a cell. We're done here."

"But Miss Buontempo" he retaliated mirroring her confidence. "I haven't shown you my hand yet, I won't have you thinking I'm not a man of my word. Now sit."
Ben remained patient, tilting his head up at her watching and waiting until finally she collapsed back into her seat.
Momentarily closing his eye savouring the current situation he believed himself to be in he offered her nothing but silence and a knowing smirk.
He shuffled in his seat placing most of his weight on his left bùtt cheek while he reached his right hand into his back right pocket pulling out his cell phone. Glancing over at an impatient Elena he made no attempt to rush causing her to groan in frustration. She still didn't seem to be taking this seriously, glaring at him for the sheer inconvenience of the entire night.

"Are you kidding me right now?" She stated mortified as she watched him activate his touch screen swiping his finger across the screen paying her no attention.

"Do you have somewhere to be?" He queried raising an eyebrow but not looking up from the screen.

"Home would be nice."

"Well..." Placing the phone on the desk before him and spinning it around swiftly he smiled. "It's a tad bit crowded in that apartment of yours at the moment, so I think we might keep you here for a little while longer yeah?"
He pushed the cell phone towards her, tapping the screen once to light up the image. "Miss Buontempo... I think that's a little more than four sachets... Wouldn't you say?"

Elena stared down at the image frozen in place. This wasn't what she was expecting. This wasn't how things were supposed to go down.

"Oh and if you're wondering if we have a warrant," Ben continued shuffling through the paper work which had been sitting on the desk the entire time, "don't worry your pretty little head, we have one." Locating the document he pushed it towards her, her eyes remaining on the cell phone. "Swipe left" he continued to encourage her, "there are plenty more images if you're not entirely convinced."

"It's not mine!" She suddenly snapped abruptly pushing the cell back towards him crossing her arms across her torso. "Anyone could've planted that in there, even you officer."

"Yeah? We going to play that game sweetie?" He reached for his cell, shutting off the screen and placing it beside him. "I'm very willing to take that argument to a jury." He signalled a hand over the paperwork, "given your history, I think you might want to reconsider." He stood to his feet gathering the paper work back into one pile placing it back into his manila folder. "Royal flush sweetheart. I'll organise that phone call for you."



"Let's get this straight," Officer Ben O'Conner took a deep breath trying with every fibre in his body to contain his excitement. This wasn't the first time, no. This had happened many times and once push came to shove, he found most people were all talk. Especially women. They were always all talk.

He glanced back behind him, the FBI agent casually leaning against the wall under the camera with one leg bent, his shoe placed flushed against the wall with both hands in his pocket. Waiting. Patiently waiting for Ben to get down to business once again.

"You're willing to testify to these accounts?"

Elena licked her coral painted lips nervously. For a brief moment she thought of Salvatore and everything he had done for her. All the things he had promised her. All the moments they shared together. Her eyes travelling from the officer, to the FBI agent and then to up to the camera.
"Yes. I'll do whatever you need me to do."


Ohhhhh boooy... Elena, Elena... Elenaaaaaa... We've finally reached THAT point guys!

Now because this chapter was the snippet at the start of the book you're probably all thinking that we've finally reached the big surprise? The crescendo if you will? You're probably also thinking pfft I totally knew this was coming... 

Let me tell you guys, what I have in store for you all well let's just say this is NOTHING!

Expect the unexpected... Because it's coming... Oh it's coming alright ;-)

Don't forget to comment and vote if you want those extras! We've really slipped with both comments and votes so my updating has been pretty blah lately, it's just not as exciting when we're not reaching those goals... Just saying ;-)

Comment. Vote. Comment x

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