~Chapter 38~

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Chapter Song

Cold Blood – Dave not Dave


Salvatore paced back and forth within the confinement of his office trying to blow off steam. He was well aware he was anything but a saint, but that factor alone did not lessen his rage in the slightest.
Gripping the crystal decanter from the neck with his left hand, he pulled it off his desk and made his way over to the couch where he slumped down onto the soft leather. Placing the decanter on the side table, he poured an unhealthy amount into his glass wallowing in his own self pity.
Just the mere thought of the possibility that Adriana had slept with another man just to forget him made him sick.
Was he that controlling, that suffocating?

Bringing the glass to his lips, he practically chugged down the warm smooth liquid, not stopping to even take a breath. He needed to numb the pain of betrayal somehow. He wasn't accustomed to these kinds of feelings, he had no idea what to do with them, how to deal with them.
Deep down, Salvatore knew jealously lay deep within him. He was well aware that if anyone made a claim on what was his he would fight to regain entitlement on whatever the item was. Whether in his business or personal life.
But where his personal life was concerned, he had never exercised the feelings of jealousy until Adriana.
There was just something about her from the very beginning. Something he couldn't identify until she had walked out on him and refused to come home. Something no woman had ever done before.
She was nothing like the women in his past, not even close.

"What the heck happened in here?!" Elena stated as she walked through the door. Her eyes wide open concerned to see the state of the room. Salvatore was very particular with how he kept his office, grocery bags all over the floor mixed with what looked like broken cell phone pieces were certainly not his idea of a clear work space.
"Are you ok?" She asked, closing the door shut behind her.

"Fine." He practically grumbled, annoyed at her very presence. She seemed to have a knack for turning up at all the wrong moments.

"Convincing..." She sauntered around the room first placing her purse on his desk, then squatting down to the floor retrieving the fallen groceries and placing them back in order. "Normally one would put groceries in a cupboard or refrigerator, not the floor Salvo."

"Says the woman who knows fũck all about cooking." Rolling his eyes before throwing back the remainder of his drink.

"Now, now," Elena smiled back at him now a little more playful. "We all know cooking was never my strong point. You never did come over for food, did you Salvo?"

"Nope." He popped the 'p' before reaching once more for the decanter. "You're no domesticated goddess... That's for sure."

"Hold on." She made her way over to him with a second glass she had grabbed from the decanter set. Holding it out towards him she smiled, "friends don't let friends drink alone right?"


"Whoops!" tripping over her own two feet Elena giggle as she stumbled back through the office door. The alcohol from one glass spilling over the rim landing on the floor. "Sss-sorry 'bout that!" She slurred ungracefully making her way back towards Salvatore.

"You were gone for ages." He grumbled forcing himself back up to an upright position on the couch.
They had finished all the scotch from the decanter and Elena had insisted on making them her signature cocktail.
"What is it?" He reluctantly took the glass she openly offered him, tilting his head slightly to the side to observe the concoction he didn't seem convinced. He was already highly intoxicated and the rational side of him knew he should stop and call it a night, but the other side of him, the angry resentful side told him otherwise.

"Remember the ti-" taking a half breath she barely had time to swallow the hiccup escaping her mouth. "The ti-" again her body convulsed forcing her to erupt into a fit of laughter when the high pitched sound finally left her lips.
She took a sip from her glass then let out a long steady breath making sure the hiccups were out of her system before attempting to regain control of her story.

"The time?" Salvatore repeated now becoming impatient.

"The tiiiime we went out for driiinks!" She drunkenly placed emphasis on a few of her words seeing the irritation written all over Salvatore's face. He had always had little patience with her, unlike Adriana...
"Aaaand we went back to my place and I insisted on making you a drink!"

"Please don't tell me you made me that same drink? I told you it was awful back then." Pulling the rim of the glass to just under his nose he made a point to smell the liquid in front of her showing his distrust in her cocktail making skills.

"No seriously!" She insisted placing the glass to her lips and taking a healthy gulp. "It's delicious, I've perfected it now." Smacking her lips together, her tongue darted out quickly to pick up a drop from her upper lip. "Mmmm" making a noise of approval she motioned her glass upwards towards him, "come on, just try it!" Slumping down to the ground she leaned her back up against a chair.

Rolling his eyes he tipped his head back knowing for the sake of his taste buds it was best he downed the liquid in one quick motion. Forcing the room temperature liquid down his throat he couldn't help but think back to his childhood when his mother forced medicine down his throat as a child.
"Pizzica il naso." (Pinch your nose) She would say over and over again until her voice reached that knowing level he and his siblings all knew too well. It was best at that point to do as instructed or risk a flying object catapulting towards them, normally a shoe or wooden spoon if in the kitchen.

"Che schifo!" (How disgusting!) Salvatore groaned almost instantly regretting the decision. There was no way she was ever getting a position at the bar, not unless he actually wanted to run the business into the ground.
"You'll clearly drink anything," shaking his head in disbelief he watched as a mischievous grin appeared on her face. "Don't say anything." He warned before she even had a moment to respond as he slumped back down further into the couch, this time tipping his head back to rest on the seat as his legs came up sprawling out making himself comfortable.
Closing his eyes he attempted to block out the light in the room. He knew it was time to call it a night, head upstairs and slip into Adriana's bed. But the thoughts of her crawling into bed with another made him want to vomit the hideous cocktail out of his system.
Instead he lay sprawled out against the couch feeling his body finally begin to relax and succumb to the effects of the alcohol. His eyelids becoming heavier he began to drift....

"Salvo..." Elena whispered his name, "need a place to stay tonight?" She kept her voice low as she crawled over to him slowly. "I'll call us a cab." She continued receiving no response.

"Salvo..." Unable to open his heavy eyes he felt himself half smile at the sound of his name from her delicate lips. The image of the other man drifting away into the darkness as his focus remained on her. Her dark hair cascading around her face, the ends of her hair trailing down her perfect brȅasts. All that was left was the both of them. He could feel her warmth within his dream, as if she were right there with him.
"Salvo..." The voice called his name once more, but it sounded different, not as smooth and sultry as the voice he longed to hear every second of his day.
"Baby..." He mumbled sleepily as cool fingers trailed his cheek.

"Kiss me..."



Hi guys! =D I know, I know, I've disappeared a little - I am currently going through some personal medical/family issues. I do apologize for leaving you guys so abruptly, it definitely wasn't planned!

I'm going to TRY and make it up to you guys with another update this week. I can't promise because these issues obviously haven't gone away, but I promise you guys, when I'm not working or dealing with crazy times I'm writing for you all!

Keep your fingers crossed, comments flowing and when you touch that star maybe wish for an update? =p

Love you guys, you're the most patient readers out there! I read some books and see raging comments about lack of updates, so it's nice that you guys aren't like that and when you do ask you're totally amazing about it! x

Fan art or song suggestions? Please do send them my way!

Ciaoooooo x

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