~Chapter 57~

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Chapter Song

Sacrifice – Black Atlass & Jessie Reyez


Stepping out of the steaming hot shower, Adriana wrapped an impeccably white extra fluffy towel tightly around her freshly exfoliated skin. How the towels at the New Jersey estate always felt brand new always pondered her mind, she was starting to think Salvatore would order someone to stock the place with new towels and linen every time they visited.
As she vigorously towel dried her damp hair she could now hear Salvatore barking orders at someone over his cell phone in the adjoining bedroom. She wondered if he had been doing this the entire time she was enjoying her extra long shower. She couldn't remember the last time she had the time to simply enjoy a long hot shower, and seeing though she was particularly wound up after watching the footage on Salvatore's computer and then having to endure a forty-five minute drive with him all the way to Jersey, she thought she earned this one!

Disposing of the hair towel into the basket she opened up her toiletries to grab her brush being sure to brush out any unwanted tangles completely straightening her hair but leaving it damp, she decided it was too late to start blow drying it now, she would deal with it tomorrow.
Removing the towel wrapped around her body she also disposed of it in the basket before slipping into a pair of dark blue French lace pȧntĩes her boyfriend had spent a ridiculous amount on, and it didn't even come with a matching bra! He seemed to believe that it was normal to spend three digits on one pair of pȧntĩes.
Finally she pulled her black silk robe from the hook on the back of the bathroom door, sliding it on and securing it with the silky belt cord.

Walking back out into the bedroom she made her way directly to her packed bag of clothes placing her dirty ones into a laundry bag to deal with when she was allowed back home. Or if her stay was excessive she planned to do her laundry in the estate.

Yeah right!

She internally thought.

He probably has a dry cleaner living somewhere in this house...

"You ok?"

Salvatore's voice immediately caught her attention from behind; she hadn't noticed he finished up his phone calls.

"Mm hmm." Her response unintentionally a little half-cöcked. "Fine." Her attempt to elaborate wasn't really any better.

"Sicura?" (You sure?)

Zipping up her bag and pushing up to her bare feet she turned on her heels to walk towards him relaxing on top of the bed spread.
"Sono sicura." (I'm sure) She walked up to the foot of the bed leaning over to take the cell phone from his hands which he willingly gave up to her. "Hai finito?" (Are you finished?) She queried her head cöcked curiously to her left side.

"I think so. Sei 'ncazzata?" (Are you angry?) He asked suddenly switching up from Italian to his regional tongue of Napolitano catching Adriana a little by surprise.

"Non sono 'ncazzata." She swiftly replied, reverting her accent to mirror his earning a slight smirk of approval from him as he let out a breathy chuckle. He clearly wasn't expecting it from her, not many women out of Naples could nail the true accent of a local, but she was clearly one of them judging by that little demonstration.
Taking his cell and placing it on one of the bedside tables she made her way back to the foot of the bed while asking him once more.
"Hai finito? Si o no?" (Are you finished? Yes or no?)

"Depends... Are we going to fight?" He raised an eyebrow cautiously yet curiously as he pushed his body back towards the middle of the headboard in the opposite direction to her, the back of his head touching the pillows behind him as he watched her climb up onto the mattress and crawl up towards him.

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