~Chapter 41~

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Chapter Song

You Spin my Head Right Round – Flo Rida


It had been six weeks. Six long, excruciating weeks for both Salvatore and Adriana. He hadn't expected her to drop everything and move in with him in an instant, but after six weeks he at least expected an answer.
He was certain he was ready for the next step and knew he wanted to share more of his life with her. Having her close would at least alleviate some of the concerns he had in his line of work.
Sure his apartments were secure, he could check in with her at any time of the day, but he would feel another level of security if she would only agree to his proposal.

"So I'm going out tonight." Adriana stated completely out of the blue casually making her way to the small grey security encryption unit retrieving her swipe card. "With Claudia." She elaborated feeling the need to provide more information, his silence at times was deafening.

"Oh?" Salvatore finally acknowledged keeping his stare on laptop screen as his fingers typed away purposefully.

"Girls night." Making her way back to her desk she slumped back down into her chair before sliding open her bottom drawer slipping her swipe card into her bag. "She's been practically begging me for one for weeks now. Are you doing anything tonight?"

"Working, I have a lot to catch up on." Letting out a deep breath of frustration he shook his head slightly irritated with the content of the emails he was reading. There was nothing more he hated than emails, in his primary line of work there was no such thing as documenting your daily tasks. But at Silenzio his brothers insisted an email account was necessary.

Adriana couldn't help but notice her boyfriend's lack of interest towards her recent announcement. This was very unlike him. He didn't have a thousand questions for her, or a thousand and one demands for that matter!
Salvatore Abandonato, Mob Boss, was ok with her going on a girl's night...
"So..." Pretending to focus her attention on her screen she casually began to pry. "Are you ok?"

"Yes Adriana."

"You seem, I don't know, annoyed?"

"Well apparently unless I check this shĩt every day of my life these emails replicate like the plague in the thirteen hundreds!"

"You know I can help you with that right? If you gave me access to your emails... I mean unless there are things I shouldn't see of course."

"Adriana..." The way he said her name, it was like he was exhausted by her and didn't have the time to immerse himself in conversation. Just as quickly as he used that tone he regretted it.
"Sorry," he breathed. "What I meant to say was all my emails are club related only. Other business is conducted..." Pausing to reflect on what exactly he was trying to say without revealing too much. He already shared more than he ever imagined he would with her, yet moments like these it was easy to get carried away, to immerse himself within her. "Verbally." He finally concluded leaving the rest to imagination.

"Well in that case let me take care of those emails for you, I'm sure I can figure it out. You're probably missing out on great event opportunities for the club by replying too late as well. Get IT to link your email to mine so I can see them come through."

"Who's our IT?" He knew he should have some idea but he had far too many other situations to worry about than who took care of their IT.

"Well who setup my PC and email address?"


"Ok. I'll get in touch with Luca then."

"Where are you going tonight?" Salvatore changed the subject quite suddenly earning a cheeky smile from Adriana who very well knew he was beginning to calm straight back down.

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