~Chapter 19~

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Chapter Song

Ready Aim Fire - Imagine Dragons


Adriana sauntered around the kitchen the next morning smiling to herself humming a tune. She never hummed and the realization that she was beginning allow herself to actually be happy began to fill her with hope.

She encountered some dark moments away from Salvatore, had convinced herself that she was better off alone. There was no way she could foresee any type of normal relationship, especially not with him.
He was cool, calm and relatively collective in many situations, but to expect the same amount of patience towards a relationship she couldn't promise was a big ask.

But now she was humming. Cooking scrambled eggs and bacon wrapped in his enormous dress shirt while humming.

Whisking the eggs in the pan she felt a hand come around her stomach and pull her back a fraction as a pair of rough warm lips connected with her shoulder.

"You're going to make me fat." Salvatore murmured against her inhaling the inviting smells which always surrounded her in the kitchen.

Removing the pan from the heat and dividing the eggs onto the toasted bread she smiled before turning to face him.
"How was your workout?"

"Good," he responded, "but you're going to make me undo all my hard work aren't you?" He grabbed a fist full of the shirt she was wearing pulling her to him jolting her forward.
"So sexy in my clothes." He whispered hovering his lips over hers.

Adriana pressed a palm to his chest shaking her head in disapproval fighting the urge to claim every inch of his mouth.
His hair was a mess, muscles bulging from the workout and she could smell his morning journey all over him. A slight hint of deodorant which she had smelt earlier that morning before he gently kissed her forehead and left her sleeping to workout, along with his masculine sweaty smell of pheromones heightened no doubt by her own desire for him.

"Mangia." She ordered sternly squeezing by him retrieving the plates, placing them on the place mats she had previously set.


Adriana had enough time to eat breakfast, clean up and change into a spare set of clothes before a doorbell sounded throughout the house.
She took a moment to take a peek at Salvatore from behind her magazine. He was enthralled in his laptop slamming away at the keyboard with a stern look on his face.

"Now what?" He grumbled to himself closing the laptop making his way to the front door.


Salvatore held onto the edge of the door looking back at Luca standing on the other side with a box of cigars in his hands.
"What do you want? What's happened?" Salvatore queried deciding to step to the side allowing Luca entry. Although he would have rather Stefano delivering whatever news Luca was here to share he was sure Stefano had a good reason for sending Luca in his place.
"What's happened to Stefano?" The questions continued as he closed the door behind them.


"Yes, Stefano. What happened Luca?" Now he was beginning to get frustrated. The more Luca looked at him in a confused manner, the more he wanted to kick him back out of his house.

"Sorry boss," Luca walked through the home and into the living area where Adriana sat flicking through pages of a magazine but didn't actually seem to be reading.
He smiled at her offering a wink of acknowledgment but not daring to speak with her with Salvatore hot on his tail.
He placed the box of cigars on a nearby coffee table before turning to face Salvatore who looked annoyed in his presence.
"Boss, I'm not sure I understand what you mean? Nothing's happened to Stefano, not that I'm aware of anyway."

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