~Chapter 30~

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Chapter Song

Good Life – One Republic


"Was it really necessary to bring all of this? I did mention once or twice that it was a casual dinner."
Salvatore peeled back the aluminium foil from the casserole tray peering in to inspect the red wine drenched chicken pieces along with some generous sprigs of rosemary. "When did you even marinate this?"

"Last night." Adriana responded as she pushed another dish into the refrigerator.

"You made dessert too didn't you?"

"Mmhmm," making her way over to him she removed the foil from the chicken, "where are your tongs?" She queried opening various drawers around her before Salvatore grabbed them from a ceramic holder on the kitchen counter top. "We have to remove the chicken from here," she lightly knocked the silver tongs on the tray. "Dust the pieces with flour, sear them off then make the sauce and add the red wine marinade."

"This is too much food for a casual dinner. I say we reconsider the pasta."

"Casual dinner?" She repeated mortified.

"Yes Ade, casual dinner, remember?"

Spinning around to directly face him she laughed amused at his declaration. "It's her birthday dinner! Oh and let's not forget the fact that she hates me and I have to make up for the fact that I stupidly gave her store bought lasagna."

"She doesn't hate you, she just doesn't know you yet, be patient." Slowly approaching her he disarmed the tongs from her grasp. "All that matters to me is that you're here, she'll come around." Pulling her in closer he planted a light kiss on her forehead.

Adriana let out a small sigh unsure of what to really think of the situation. Initially when Salvatore had invited her she was under the impression it was a family dinner with his brothers and sister. Having met them all before she wasn't nervous this time around.
That was until he had explained it would only be the three of them. Almost instantly she tried to back out unsuccessfully.

It had been their tradition ever since he had moved out of the family home. Starting one day on his mother's birthday when he had decided he wanted to do something special for his mother, something she would never forget.
So he prepared for her and his father the pasta and ragù dish she had taught him as a young boy. It was the first time Salvatore had ever prepared a meal for her.
Giuseppa had been so moved by the gesture she constantly referred back to that day and became even more moved when Salvatore suggested they do it again the following year.

This time around however, things did not start off so smoothly. Giuseppa was in no mood to celebrate her birthday without her husband, especially in their New Jersey estate where Salvatore expected to continue their tradition.
Normally he would arrive early and spend the day making fresh pasta and ragù from scratch.
Although his mother was initially happy that despite everything her son still wanted to celebrate her birthday as usual, she didn't think she was ready to return back to the estate. She had even suggested to her sons that they should seriously consider placing the family home up for sale. A suggestion which was immediately shut down by all.
Despite the tragedy that had occurred, many of their fondest memories were linked to the home and nobody was ready to let go of everything positive the home initially represented.

Giuseppa's protests had fallen on deaf ears. She had tried to convince her son to come to her home in New York instead, even if she had to spend most of the day out so Salvatore could prepare.
When that didn't go down well she even tried to push for dinner in his apartment to which he continued to refuse without second thought.

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