Chapter 5

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*1 week later*
*Lucas' POV*
Me and Autumn have been together for a week now. We went to various places together, McDonalds, the theme park, my house, we've just basically chilled. I love Autumn, she's always been there for me when I needed her, its just sometimes I find it hard to put things into words to show how grateful I am for her.

However, today me, Autumn and Emelia chilled at Caspar's house with him. We played on the PlayStation where Emelia showed her inner tomboy and defeated us all. Who knew a girl could be good at PlayStation ey?
I was Abit nervous being around Autumn.. I don't know why.
I guess it was us two together in front of other people, eventhough these people were our friends. I hadn't said much to Autumn, but I didn't know why, because I had a million thoughts racing through my head.
I was focused on the TV, we were all watching 'Fight Club' whilst I was lying down on the sofa. I realized Autumn had moved from the other sofa and joined me where I was sitting. She is so beautiful... I don't tell her enough. The way her blonde hair flows perfectly over her shoulders, the way her sky-blue eyes sparkle like sapphires. Am I really this lucky? Do i deserve this? She lay down next to me, when my instant reaction was to hug her. Therefore, I slid my arms around her petite waist. And in that moment everything was perfect, the girl I wanted was in my arms... She was my inciting incident.

*Autumn's POV*
I was awkwardly sitting on the other sofa, gazing over at Lucas. How come he hadn't said anything to me? I decided not to question him, And I just walked over to him. I flopped myself down next to him, beginning to watch the film again. When suddenly, I felt his arms slither around me, it was so cute. Is this what it feels like to be happy?

*Emelia's POV*
I love my best friend, and oh god I am so happy for her. She has finally got what she's wanted for months. But things are never that easy in a cruel world like this.
When everybody was talking I stepped into the hallway to grab my phone, but that's when I noticed Lucas' phone placed on the coffee table. It started to ping so I decided to pick it up, not because I was being nosy, but because I saw whose name popped up on it... Ava Johnson.
Ava Johnson is one of Autumn's close friends. But before Autumn got with Lucas, Ava had a fling with him, but she didn't know Autumn liked him. This probably hasn't even crossed Autumn's mind, she isn't worried, she's happy, so why dont I feel like that? Simply because I dont think I trust him. I dont trust Lucas.
I read the messages:

Ava: hey babe x
L: hi
Ava: no kisses today :(
L: sorry Ava. Just got a lot on my mind, that's all.
Ava: don't worry about it hun x
L: what shall I name you on my phone?
Ava: whatever you want babe, dont mind. Maybe.. 'Ava<3' ?x
L: I'll change it later
Ava: best do ;)x

I couldn't believe what I was reading! Calm down Mills.. Maybe he was just being friendly?.. No. You aren't being friendly by adding a heart by their name, that's what you do in a relationship, not a friendship! What does he think he's playing at? And Ava too? I thought she would have been better than that... At least considering its her friend. Or so I thought.
I carefully placed down Lucas' phone, trying to make it look as though nobody had touched it. I forced my face to look calm.. Or try to at least. I swiftly walked back into the living room, plonking myself down beside Caspar, at least he was a decent lad. But as It was nearing the end of the film 'Fight club' thoughts and questions swam throughout my head. I quickly glanced over at Lucas and Autumn.. She finally looked so happy. Was I really going to hurt their relationship? I thought to myself: was I going to tell her?...

*Caspar's POV*
I watched Emelia looking at Lucas and Autumn. Emelia had a disheartened look upon her face, what was wrong? She is such a pretty girl, and to see her looking quite upset made me worry about her, she was a really close friend who meant a lot to me.
"What's wrong?" I whispered quietly so nobody else would hear.
"N-nothing, why?" She mumbled, slightly stuttering.
"Mills you cant fool me, i've known you long enough to notice when your upset." I said, which made a nervous giggle escape her lips, I loved making people laugh; mostly her.. And I don't know why.
"Do you want to talk about it in private?" I asked her politely, and she nodded her head in reply. I took her into the kitchen, dragging her a little and shutting the door behind us.
Before I could question her, she spoke.
"Luke has been messaging Ava... Or the other way around" she whispered sadly, knowing her best friend would be hurt severely by this. "What a-am I going to do Cas?" She said, her lips slightly trembling.
"He can't do this to her" she now started to sob quietly, so I pulled her into my chest to comfort her. I'd never seen anybody like this, taking their friends feelings into their own problems, trying to make sure they weren't going to get hurt. Now that is true friendship. I was now trying to speak positive words, such as 'shh..' 'Its OK' 'they'll get through this'. I think it worked because Emelia stopped crying and looked up at me with her deep sea-blue eyes.
"I'm sorry about crying on your shirt.. And just crying in general" she giggled, seeming Abit embarrassed about the whole situation.
"It's fine Mills, its just a shirt" I give her a reassuring smile, and led her back into the living room, where Lucas and Autumn were still laying next to eachother. When it finally clicked in... What were we going to tell Autumn?

Sorry about the cliffhanger! Enjoyyyyy x

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