Chapter 27

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*Autumn's POV*

After me and Joe made up, Joe took me home in his car and we said our goodbyes, but i was so confused.
Were we together? Were we just friends?

Things felt different with Joe than they did with Lucas; a good different.
With Lucas i felt that i had to do everything to please him. Like if i did one small thing wrong, he'd argue at me for it. Whereas with Joe i feel like i can just be myself. I don't have to act like i'm some kind of movie star, i don't have to pretend i'm cheery and outgoing.
He wont judge me like Lucas did, Joe likes me for who i am.

Had we known each other long enough to have a relationship? Was it too soon? Was the friendship only just beginning, and we would ruin it? Was i thinking ahead too quick?

When i next see Joe we will be at college. Since he will be in his last year now, we will only see each other when walking to our next lessons.
Because he's older than me, would it be harder to keep a relationship going?

Thoughts swam around my head and i could feel a migraine coming on; i should get some sleep.



I woke up to my alarm this morning; i had to go to college today.
In the holidays i could wake up as early as i wanted without being tired, but now i have college i wake up and i'm exhausted.

I did my usual morning routine and went to meet Emilia and Caspar by Starbucks. Last time we were at college, they weren't together. Now they were, and they were holding hands, smiling goofily at each other. But they weren't the only ones there, Joe was there too..
He was standing leaned up against the wall, but when he noticed me walking towards them, he ran up to me and hugged me. I'd only seen him the other day, and yet i missed and longed for this hug.

We all walked to college with cheery faces, which is weird considering it was so early in the morning, but i couldn't have felt happier. I was with my three best friends, what more could i want?

I had everything i wanted right now. Lucas was out of my life. Caspar was still my best friend. Emilia was Still my best friend. I'd made a new friend. My life was all of a sudden falling into place...

...And it felt amazing.

Ficmas day 9

Gooooddddd morrrnninnnnggg!
Absolutely shattered once again, but what the heck, its December. Gotta get practicing for Christmas morning

So i want you guys to have an input to the story, what would you guys like to see?

1 ° Should Joe + Autumn get together? (Yes,No)
2 ° Should something bad happen, but which leads to a happier outcome? (Yes, No)
3 ° Any other suggestions for the story?

Please comment! + thank you so much for reading this far + thank you for 1.32k reads, I've gained so much within a few days!

I hope you all have a good day x

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