Chapter 34

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*Autumn's POV*

'Autumn when is your birthday?' Joe asked randomly as soon as i woke up on the sofa.

'October 2nd, why?' I asked.

'Oh nothing- just curious' he said with a smirk upon his face.

A while ago now it was Joe's birthday, and for his birthday i hadn't gotten him much as we didn't know each other as much as we do now.
I feel guilty about it know but i guess i can redeem myself at Christmas.

Just lately Joe had been getting more well known on YouTube, and sometimes he got people stopping him in the street for a picture. I was so proud of how far he had come with his You tubing..

Joe was sitting with his laptop on the sofa, editing a new video. All of a sudden he jerked up and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

'Are you alright Joe?' I asked concerned.

'We're going out celebrating' he said standing up, with a smug look smeared across his face.

'How come?' I asked clearly confused.

'I got 1 million subscribberrrsssssss!!!!!!!!!' Joe yelled and belly flopped me.

'Ow my arm!' I laughed it off, but it did hurt.

'Oh i'm sorry Autumn' he said whilst planting a kiss on my cast, 'All better'. He said, causing me to smile like a Cheshire cat.

'Anyway, that's amazing Joe' i said, genuinely proud of him.

'Yeah it is amazing..' He said suddenly going into a daze. 'But i think i'm going to have to quit my thatching job.' He said as a frown appeared on his face.

'Can't you keep both jobs up?' I asked.

'No, it'd be too hard. If i want good quality videos i have to work harder on them; which will take more time.
Since i hit one million subscribers my income has gotten higher, so there's no need for my other job any more.' He replied.

'Oh i see what you mean.. But if you ever want to go down and see your family you don't need an excuse you can just go, because i know you'd miss them and there's nothing stopping you' i smiled, trying to make it positive.

'Yeah- you're right, thank you' he said, his frown disappearing.

'Just think about it, 1 million people around the world watch you for their entertainment... Its crazy' i chuckled.

'How many subscribers does Zoe have now?' I asked

'3million, almost 4' he smiled, obviously proud of his big sister; he looks up to her.

'You'll have to meet her some time. I know she'd get along with you' he said.


It was the afternoon and i was choosing an outfit to wear for the meal with Joe, which i think Emilia and Caspar are coming to as well as they were waiting upstairs.
My clothes were in a suitcase in Joe's room as i wasn't planning on staying here for long. However, i did have quite a few things. But surprise surprise. I couldn't find anything.

'Joe, where are we going?' I shouted into Caspar's room as he was changing in there.

'For only me to know' he laughed, 'but if you're struggling it's not a casual place but it's not posh'.

'Oh yeah-thanks Joe, helps a lot.' I laughed to myself.

Eventually, i picked out a black skater dress, which wasn't too formal or informal. To tie the outfit off i got out my black and white adidas shoes to be a bit more casual.

However, before putting my outfit on i did my makeup as perfect as i could get it and i curled my hair so it shaped my face. This was the first time i was going out to a proper meal with somebody other than my parents.

When i got my dress on i was trying my best to zip up the back with my one good hand, but it was no use.

'Emilia? Emilia!' I shouted up the stairs for her help, but it was no use; she couldn't hear me.

'Are you okay Autumn?' Joe asked as i heard him get closer to the room.

'No- i can't fasten the back of my dress' i frowned as he entered the room.

Joe was wearing dark blue trousers with a dark blue blazer over a white buttoned shirt. His hair was sprayed into a quiff so it stayed standing- and as cliche as it may sound, as i'm sure plenty of people had said this- but he looked handsome.

I snapped my gaze away from him and back down to the floor as he zipped up my dress.

'you look so beautiful' he commented, and i felt my cheeks burn red.

I felt disapointed in myself how I didn't have the courage to comment him first, normally i'm really confident but tonight i felt vulnerable; i don't know what it was.

Was it the fact i was going to be back on the road; how my accident happened? Was it because of how i looked with my broken arm?
Or was it because the thought hit me of how popular Joe had gotten, and people may take picture of us together?..

Thoughts swam around my head but i pushed them aside, grabbed Joe's hand with my free hand and we made our way up stairs together.

Ficmas day 16

Good morningggggg,
Tomorrow i am going on a school trip to cinebowl/cineworld whatever its called haha.

I just wanted to say how happy i am that you are all enjoying this story, and if you ever want to contribute some ideas to the story feel free to comment them.

Also, would you guys like another chapter soon of how Caspar and Autumn are getting on together from their POV?

Anywayyyyss, i hope you have a lovely day & remember only 9 days till Christmas! x

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