Chapter 13

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*Autumn's POV*
Joe lead me into the apartment, where there was a kitchen next to the sitting area, and then a football table in the middle of the room.
I saw Caspar sitting on the sofa and he turned his head to look at me, I glanced over at the football table and back at him.
"Definitely you Caspar" I smirked, whilst he ran over to me and envoloped me in a warming hug.
"I forgot what you looked like!" He joked, and pulled away smiling sweetly.
I forgot that the boy- named Joe, was still standing behind us. Caspar grabbed a PlayStation remote for me & him, and sat on the sofa. My guess, he wanted me to play FIFA with him.
All of a sudden, Joe spoke, making me jump a little,
"Mind if I join?" He spoke quietly towards me and Caspar.
"If Autumn doesn't mind?" Caspar said as he pointed his eyes towards me.
"Of course not" I smiled towards Joe, how could I say no?
"Game on then" he smirked, grabbing a remote and sitting down next to me, so I was in between the two boys.

We had finished the game & Caspar ran downstairs in a sulk because he lost the game. Me and joe were on a team and beat Caspar 5-3.
Joe chuckled at Caspar Sulking & high fived me.
"We should go check on him, see what he's Doing" I laughed, as we crept downstairs to what I'm guessing, Caspar's room.
He was lying on his bed curled into a ball & he started to fake cry. I walked over to his bed and sat down.
"Aw it's okay Caspy, better luck next time" I joked, as I patted his head.
"Go away" he pouted.

After about 10minutes of Caspar Sulking me & Joe finally convinced him to talk to us.
"Maybe we should play a game to get to know each other, like go around in a circle and say something about each other" Caspar suggested.
"Okay then, let's start by telling each other our full names, Caspar you start" Joe said.
"Okay, you both know this, but Caspar Lee" he started, then looked at Joe.
"Don't laugh, but Joseph Graham Sugg" he smiled, whilst Caspar broke down in laughter.
"What are you laughing at?" I began, questioning Caspar, "I think that's a really nice name" I smiled Towards Joe, speaking the truth, making his face light up in happiness.
"Anyways, my name is Autumn-Rose Ellis" I said with a smile.

"That's a nice name" Joe smiled back.

"Thanks, now let's do...erm- Jobs!" I said.

"Well I still go to college (as you know) but in my spare time I make YouTube Videos because I want to make a living out of it" Caspar said. I think it's really good how he knows what he wants to do with his future, but now I was intrigued to what Joe was doing.

"Well I am in the same college as you guys, but you wouldn't have seen me around because I'm in my last year there. I help out roof thatching with my uncle, but only last week my sister convinced Me to make a YouTube channel." Joe smiled nervously.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is a roof thatcher?" I asked genuinely, which made Joe laugh a low chuckle.

"Don't worry, nobody knows what one is. I have to make a roof out of straw- but it's stronger than the three little Pig's" He joked, causing me to laugh in hysterics.

"Oh that's cool" I eventually said, "I just work at McDonalds sometimes- but that's quite boring compared to your jobs" I said embarrassed, looking from Caspar to Joe.

"don't worry Aut' , that's where everybody starts off" Caspar said, obviously detecting my embarrassment, but he was being serious for once. I replied with a relieved smile.

"Now for the cheeky questionnnnn" Joe spoke excitedly.

"And what would that be?" I laughed.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend or do you Like somebody?" He announced, suddenly making my heart drop at the thought of Lucas- I'd forgot all about him.

Caspar gave me a glance as if to say 'you don't have to say it' but I knew I had to get it off of my chest.

"Well all of my life so far I never got asked out, never had a crush" I began,

"That's hard to believe, you're so pretty" Joe said, causing me to blush.

"Thank you.. But just lately I began to develop a crush... On my best friend. Before you say, no not Caspar" I laughed nervously

"He is called Lucas. In the end he told me he liked me back, so we ended up going out. Eventually we started to drift apart, he found a new friend group & even started to ditch Caspar. He broke up with me-" I said, nearly chocking on my words, thinking back to that moment.

"It's okay Aut', he wasn't worth it" Caspar said trying to comfort me.

"Yeah, I know now. It took a long time to get over him- as you've realized. But I think I'm on the mend now. I think I'm over him" I said with a genuine smile.

Was I over him?

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