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*Lucas' POV*
I let her go just like that. One simple message, left my whole world crashing down around me. Why did I do it? I don't know the answer to that question. I love Autumn, she cares for me so much, why would I let that go?Maybe i didn't realize what i had..
So many things raced through my head which I couldn't make sense of. My head started to feel dizzy and I felt physically sick, whats wrong with me?
The last thing that crossed my mind before I blacked out was Autumn. What've I done?

*Caspar's POV*
~ring ring, ring ring~ (C- Caspar, S- Lucas' mum, Susan)
C- Hello?
S- hi C-Caspar. I thought I'd let you know, Lucas p-passed out a few minutes ago, he's awake now but he's crying his eyes out.. Please h-help me?!?

I heard the desperation in her voice

C- yeah, i'll be there ASAP!
S- t-thank you...

Well that was unexpected.

I was cuddling Autumn when I got the phone call, so when I received it she listened intently.

"Caspar, what's w-wrong with h-him?" She stuttered, obviously scared.

"I don't know, can you come with me Aut'? I know he'd be happy to see you." I asked.

"You do realize he just broke up with me, right?" She said, sitting up.

"Yeah, but I do know he still loves you." I said, promising every word.

"Bull," she said blandly, causing me to chuckle ",but if you insist" she smiled, cheering up a little.

A few minutes later we arrived at his house. Instantly, we walked in, knowing Susan would be with Lucas so she wouldn't be able to open the door. When we got to his room, Lucas was lying across his bead, hands on his head and sobbing violently. However, when he noticed Autumn standing there, he calmed down a bit.
"Please help him.. Make some sense out of him, i'd be so g-grateful." Susan smiled as she left the room to give us some space.

Autumn sat on the edge of the bed where Lucas was lying, and cupped his face with her hands. A single tear fell down her tear stained cheeks from earlier. And being honest, she looked a wreck compared to her normal, bubbly self.
"Come on babe, it's okay. Everything will be okay. I love you." Autumn spoke, the way she said it melted my heart, it was so sweet. Just the way she cradled him in her arms, the way she looked at him...

"Shut the f*** up Autumn!!" Lucas screeched, the words that came out of his mouth shocked me, she was being so caring? I could see the tears well up in her eyes as she let go of him.

"What was that?! She's clearly trying to make you feel better mate" I started, emphasizing the word 'mate'. "Or have you forgot you dumped her for your new crew?" I said, quite proud of myself for standing up for Autumn.

It was like Lucas instantly realized what he had said and done, he sat up and pulled Autumn into his arms. His tears stopped falling, and smiled into her hair, as if he was savoring the moment.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me, shouting at you like that.. You didn't deserve it. I do love you Autumn, more than anything, once I realized what I'd done, I blacked out. I can't bear to think what life would be without you.. I'm so sorry" he said to Autumn, he seemed genuine.

Autumn said nothing, but she simply smiled and hugged Lucas more tightly. What did this mean? Were they back together? So confusing...
"So cute you guyyysss" I laughed, putting on an accent.

After a few minutes me & Autumn left Lucas' house for his mum to talk to him.

Further down the street I finally broke the silence between me & Autumn. I stood still and turned my body around to look at her, which made her stand still too.
I gripped her shoulders and looked her straight in the eye, to show her I was about to say something really important.

"I know you love him Autumn. But just don't give in too easily, I know what you're like. You can't forgive him like none of this happened, he is Still friends with that other group. And because this has happened, still doesn't mean he will make time for you now."

I spoke truthfully. I knew what Lucas was like, he had loads of girls after him, he could just pick and choose... You never know what he'll do.

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