Chapter 19

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*Joe's POV*
I got back to the apartment, closed the door behind me, and stood staring at the wall. I reflected on the day me and Autumn had; it was so much fun.
Autumn was ill, but she insisted i came in, i hope she gets well soon..

'Joe? Joe!' Caspar yelled, with his arm wrapped around Emilia on the sofa.

'Uh, yeah?' I asked, breaking off my thoughts.

'You've been standing by the door for five minutes' he threw his head back with laughter.

I just awkwardly laughed, took off my boots and coat and slumped on the other sofa.
I didn't want to interrupt Caspar and Emilia but i had nothing else to do.
They looked so cute cuddled up together, i'm so glad Caspar finally found someone for him.
In the past he wasn't the best with relationships; he never knew what to do. But now he has Emilia, he seems way happier. And the best thing is she doesn't discriminate him for who he is. She loves him for him and the smallest thing he does makes her laugh. I'm proud of Caspar.

'So, how was your day with Autumn, joe?' Caspar smirked. I knew what he was thinking.

'No Caspar. I don't like Autumn in that way. Plus, how can i? I've known her for what, three days? I'd be silly if i did' i replied laughing.

I have to replay 'I've known her for three days' over and over again in my head. Just to let the message sink in. it's only been three days? I feel as though I've known her forever.
I cant like her yet. How could i?.. It wouldn't be right.
After all, she would probably never go for me anyway.. She probably still loves Lucas.

*Emilia's POV*

Caspar made me feel like the luckiest girl on earth. He treated me right and constantly made me laugh; what more could i want?
We were cuddled up on the sofa and every so often he would lean over to me and kiss my temple gently. I love him.
Love isn't a word you can just throw around. You might just say to someone 'gosh i love you' but you don't actually mean it. You might think you love them, but do you really? Well when i think about my love for Caspar, i mean it.

Whilst thinking about this, i looked over to Joe. A look was on his face that i couldn't quite place; it was a look of sadness, loneliness and overall he was in a complete daze.
Ever since he came home he'd been acting strangely, but what triggered him to act like this was when Caspar implied Joe liked Autumn.

I know Joe said he doesn't like Autumn; and it would be strange if he did. They've known each other for a few days so it wouldn't be realistic; but what if Joe did?

What if Joe liked Autumn?

Ficmas day 1

I said i would try to do ficmas, and since I've posted on the 1st of December it's better than i thought i'd do.
I'm sorry this Chapter is a bit short, but since i'm trying to post 25days in a row, it doesn't really matter.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter + i will hopefully update tomorrow!

{24days till Christmas}

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