Chapter 46

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*Autumn's POV*

'Autumn, just to remind you, me and your father wont be back until late tonight' My mum repeated.

'Yes mum, you told me that like 10minutes ago' i rolled my eyes.

'Just making sure' she laughed, and left the house.

It was now 2017, summer time.
My parents were at that time of the year where they'd work later hours to get more income. It didnt bother me though, I was always out anyways.

I was 18, joe was 19, and soon it was our birthdays.. Time had flown by, and Emilia was finally better. My life was finally planning out to be okay.


It was early in the morning, and i was thinking of places i could go.. I had just the place in mind.

I arrived at the cafè that seemed like forever since i last visited.
It was more busier today, but i didn't mind.

I walked in, and inhaled the warming coffee scent once again, that i'd missed.

'Hello again' someone said, tapping me on the back.

I turned around and instantly recognised her, it was Catherine.

'Catherine!' I exclaimed, excitedly.

'You want to chat over a cup of latté?' She laughed.

'Do cows produce milk?' I giggled hysterically.


We were having a short catch up, about random things. I'd only seen Catherine twice now. But she was already a friend to me.

'So did things work out for you?' She asked, taking a sip of her latté. How could she remember from last year?

'Oh yeah! Yes thank you, they did. Turns out i over reacted and everything was fine' i grinned.

'That's good to hear.. you got any plans for the holidays?' She asked.

'Not really, but i'm hoping to make some. You?' I replied.

'No not really. Same old work, drowning my life in lattè's' she chuckled.

'Anyways, i'm really glad you stopped by today Autumn.' She said, and sipped the last of her latté.

'But my break is almost over, so i best get going now' she smiled sadly, standing up.

'Okay, i'll see you soon Cath?' I asked, hugging her tightly.

'Yeah- deffinately' she said, and i walked out of the cafè.


As i was already out of the house, i decided to pay joe a suprise visit.

I knocked on his apartment door, and luckily, Joe was the one who opened it.

I jumped onto him, and hugged him. I missed him so much, and i felt like i hadn't seen him in ages.

'Hey beautiful' he chuckled, stroking my hair.

He closed the door behind me and put me down.

'Hi' i smiled, looking up at his mesmerising eyes.

'This was a nice surprise, i was just thinking about you' he said.

'Nothing new there!' I heard Caspar shout up the stairs.

'Oh shut up!' Joe laughed.

'So?' He asked, turning towards me.

'So?' I smirked.

'Are you going to kiss me then or what?' He laughed.

I answered his question by attaching our lips for the first time in a few days. He never failed to make butterflies swarm in my stomach; and my lips tingle from his kiss.

Every kiss was like our first. They all made me so happy, and as clichè as it sounds, they always felt magical.

'Did you know today is our 2year anniversary?' Joe smiled as we walked over to the sofa.

'What? Seriously?!' I asked in disbelief.

'Yeah' he laughed, holding my hand.

'How has it been that long?' I gasped.

'No idea.. But i have a suprise for you.' He said.

'A suprsie?' I questioned.

'Yeah- come on, i'll show you' he smiled, squeezing my hand taking me downstairs.

We entered his room where he got an envelope out, and hesitated before he passed it me.

'I-its just a little bit of something- to say thank you' he said nervously.

I furrowed my eyebrows whilst opening the envelope, to reveal a cute anniversary card.

I smiled to myself, and opened the card to read it.. Until i found two tickets inside.

It was tickets to paris.

'Happy anniversary' he smiled sweetly, causing me to melt inside.

'We're going to paris.. WE'RE GOING TO PARIS!!!!' I shouted, and jumped into his arms.

'She like the present then?' Caspar shouted from his bedroom.

'Seems like it' joe chuckled.

'Thank you so much Joe.. But i didn't get you anything?' I frowned sadly.

'Autumn i already have you, i don't need anything else' he sighed.

I didn't know what to say in reply, but i could feel myself blushing.

'When do we leave?' I asked, breaking the silence.

'Oh, tomorrow morning!' He laughed.

'Joe! I need to go and pack!' I exclaimed.

'Oh yeah- i forgot girls take forever' he rolled his eyes smirking.

'That's 'lady' to you Joseph' i said, kissing him goodbye.

'But i'll see you tomorrow morning!!' I squealed excitedly.

We were off to paris!

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