Chapter 11

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*Emilia's POV*
I woke up this morning oblivious to everything around me. My eyes tightened together as I rubbed them, and My Yawn was that wide you could have seen my tonsils. After strenching several times, I sat up to look at my alarm clock. It read 11:45. WAIT. My date with Caspar! I'd overslept! I was meant to set it the night before for 10:00, but because I am forgetful I now had to rush to get ready within 1hour.

Briskly, I jumped into my on-suite shower, knowing I now had no time at all to have a bath. As I got out, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me.
After taking 10minutes to blow dry my hair, i just brushed it, knowing my natural wavy hair would soon appear. Next, I opened my wardrobe, desperate to find something to wear. How is it when you're looking for something you can never find it?
Eventually, I took out a gray bodycon dress with thick material; it was quite cold outside. I scanned the room for my black leather coat, when I finally found it draped over the back of my chair, I quickly threw it on. I spotted my gray material flats in the corner of my room, i stepped into them and checked the time on my phone. 12:40. Just enough time to walk down to Nandos, luckily, it wasn't too far away.

*Caspar's POV*
I decided I should get to Nandos before Emilia, to make a good impression. I arrived there at 12:50, and ordered us some drinks; I knew lemonade was her favourite.
As it neared 13:00, I scanned the restaurant to try and spot her. Finally, I saw her standing by the door, looking around to find me. I waved her over and she slowly began to walk over to me. Her long, brown hair flowed perfectly over her shoulders, slightly waving towards the ends of it. Her dress suited her petite waist perfectly. She was perfect.

As she came closer to me she began to quicken her pace. I stood up to greet her and she squealed a little saying "Hey Casss" and pulled me into a hug; whilst I hugged her back, she kissed me on the cheek. Normally, I wouldn't blush, but this time I felt my cheeks burn red.
As she pulled away her blue eyes met mine, and she smirked at me. I held out the chair for her to get in, and once she had sat down I tucked her back in.
"Soooo..." She began,
"Soooo..." I smirked, so She punched me playfully in the arm.
"Oh yeah, thank you for the drink, how much do I owe you?" She asked.
"No, no. It's fine, don't worry" I smiled, and in reply she smiled back.

The waiter walked over to our table holding a notepad.
"Ready to take your order?" He asked.
"Yeah. Erm- I'll have the butterfly burger, please" I began, "And you Mills?" I asked.
"I'll have the same please" she smiled cutely at me. Her cheeks were glowing pink and her eyes were full of happiness.

*Autumn's POV*
I have no effort anymore. This morning- well I say morning, more like afternoon- I woke up at 13:00. I feel like the stress/depression is building up inside of me and I just can't handle it anymore. Sleeping clears my head, but when I wake up, thoughts crowd around my head, I over think. Over thinking isn't healthy, but it seems it's all I do. It might seem silly this is all because of a guy, but its more than that. Its not because I lost my boyfriend, but also because I lost my best friend. He meant everything to me and he's willing to throw it away just like that. I'm so glad we have 7weeks off college, or else it would have been even more depressing seeing him with his other group.
Anyways, I wonder how Mills is getting on... She'll probably text me later, I'm not going out today.

Hey guys. I'm sorry this is taking so long to update its just at the moment I have a ton of homework & I watch far too much YouTube. & I'm sorry if this thing about Autumn seems to be getting repetitive, I'm going to try and speed it up now. Enjoy!

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