Chapter 31

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*Joe's POV*

I messaged Autumn over and over again to see if she got home safely- but still no reply. I'd waited over half an hour but i was too worried, so i called her.
Nobody answered at first, but after a while somebody answered; it wasn't Autumn.

'Hello?' I questioned into the phone.

'Hello. Who is this?' A strange voice answered me back.

'I'm Joe Sugg. Autumns... Friend?' I answered, unsure of who the strange voice was.

'I'm very sorry but your friend has been in an accident Joe, she has been taken to the local hospital. I'm sorry but we can't give any more information over the phone- it has to be in person.'

I stood there in shock, staring at the wall. Autumn had.. Been in an accident?

'Sir?' The voice asked, which i now recognized as a paramedic, to see if i was still there.

'Oh, erm- yeh. Thankyou.' I said as i ended the call.

Was the accident serious? What if she was badly hurt?
I didn't want to spend my time questioning it, so i just hastily ran to my car and drove to the hospital.


I arrived at the hospital and flickered my eyes around. When i saw the reception i ran over to it, wanting some answers.

'Hello, how can i help you?' A woman nurse asked me.

'H-hi, i'm looking for erm- a girl named Autumn. She just arrived here after an accident..' I stuttered.

'Okay, and in what relation do you have to the girl?' She questioned.

'I'm her best friend' i said confidently, but in the back of my mind i was unsure of what i was.

'Okay. I can lead you to the room now, where hopefully you can see her.' She replied.

When i arrived at Autumn's room i didn't expect to see what i saw.
I expected her to have a broken arm or leg and still look perfectly fine with a cheerful look on her face. But that wasn't it at all.

Her face and arms had scratches all down (from what i could see) ; some that would definitely leave scars.
Plastic tubes were up her nose, which seemed to be giving her oxygen for precautions.
Her arm was in a cast, and bruises on the right-hand-side of her.. She must have been hit by a car.
But the thing that was worrying me was she wasn't awake.

I could feel tears streaming down my face at the sight of her Still body in front of me. Only her chest slightly moving up and down.

'What's wrong with her?' I asked the woman, tears still cascading from my eyes.

'She had pass-traumatic stress. It is caused from, in her case, experiencing a traumatic event. It sent her into a stage of anxiety and possibly uncontrollable thoughts. This could have been too much for her system to handle; causing her to be in this state. As you can see, she is still not fully awake. When she wakes up she may get confused of her surroundings, but just press this red button and comfort her until we get here.' She explained to me.

'Her parents should be here a bit later as we are still trying to get through to their mobiles.' She told me.

Finally, the woman left me on my own, and i walked over and sat down in a chair next to Autumn.

'Oh Autumn' i sighed and took hold of her hand, squeezing it slightly.

I was so fortunate Autumn was still alive. What if the accident was worse than it was? What if she hadn't of made it through it?

I think i would have lived forever in guilt. Guilty because i hadn't told her how much i needed her in my life. Guilty because i hadn't told her how special she was to us all. Guilty because i didn't spend my time wisely with her; i hadn't asked her to be with me..

If she hadn't of made it through this, i wouldn't have been able to tell her all of these things. That saying is true; you never truly know what you have until its gone.
And for a split second, when i thought she was gone, i felt like i was gone too.

I clasped her hand into mine even tighter, and kissed it meaningfully.

I can't promise i can fix all of her problems. But i can promise she won't have to face them alone.

Ficmas day 13

I'm sorry if i got some things wrong in this chapter as i'm not entirely sure how things work in hospitals- but i tried my best.

I have to get some homework done today for my English, great way to spend my Sunday-.-
Tomorrow is the start of my last week at school before the Christmas holidays! It's so close to Xmas and i don't think i'm ready

I hope you all have a great day x

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