Chapter 39

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*Lucas' POV*

I was sitting in my lesson when the door suddenly opened.
Autumn walked in.
She still had a cast on her arm, but she Still looked so beautiful. I know i'd ruined my chances with her, and leaving her at the accident didn't help.. But my head was just a mess.

I know i shouldn't bother her anymore. I'd already bought enough sadness into her life, i didn't need to hurt her anymore.
I guess this was my goodbye, i wasn't going to bother her ever again.

*Autumn's POV*

What Joe said yesterday had stuck with me. I knew that even if i got a panic attack again, he'd always be there to help me.

I went to college today because i finally felt ready. I didn't feel nervous about facing questions today, i just walked into class with my head held high.

Soon i was getting my cast off and i couldn't wait. Once it's off i won't be reminded of the accident as much.. I don't want to think about it at all. Because my mum had bought me my theory test so i didn't want to be scared to drive, or be reminded why i could get scared.


College finished and i walked home with Caspar and Emilia today as Joe didn't go because he had no lessons.

We parted ways and i went home to get changed. Tonight me and Emilia were going out together, just the two of us; like old times. I'd missed our Days out together, but now we have more busy lives so its harder to fit the time in. But Emilia knows that if she ever needs me i'm always here for her, even if it doesn't seem like it.


I set out of the house with my fluffy parka on as it was quite chilly outside.
I walked 5minutes down the road towards Emilia's, and once i arrived there we ordered a taxi to the cinema.

'What do you want to see?' I asked her.

'What about paper towns?' She asked.

'Sure, but we both know my mascara is going to run since it was written by John Green' i laughed.


After the films we both came out with red puffy eyes.
We were still crying but laughing at our tears.

'That was so good' Emilia said.

'Yeah, it was. I've had so much fun. We should try to do things Like this more often Mills.' I laughed.

'Yeah, maybe us lot should go bowling some time?' She asked.

'Yeah, definitely.' I said.

'.. I miss you Mills' i added, a sad smile tugging at my lips.

'You too Aut' she said, pulling me into a tight hug which felt like it lasted forever.

'I love you so much, never forget that' i grinned.

Ficmas day 21

4 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!
I honestly can't believe it, it's gone so quick.
Ficmas has been so fun (apart from when i have writers block and i have to ask my friend for help). And i think since I've been doing it for a while now; when ficmas ends I'll probably update more than i used to. I used to update around once every week, so I'm hoping i will do it more now :)

I hope you have a greatttt day x

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