Chapter 16

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*Autumn's POV*

I woke up feeling happier than usual. Why? I was seeing Joe again today. I don't know why it made me happy, but he was really polite; not like other boys.

I decided to curl my hair and put it in a high ponytail, and applied a small layer of mascara and did my eyeliner.
I got ready into my dark blue high waisted jeans and baby blue top printed with butterflies. After doing everything else i needed to do, i finally grabbed my shoes and went downstairs.
I sat on the sofa and slipped on my black roshè runs.

'bye mum!' I said as i was leaving the house.

'Goodbye Love!' I heard her say as i shut the door, leaving to Caspar's place.

When i got to Caspar's, Joe answered the door once again. When he saw me he grinned.

'Good morning beautiful' he said as i blushed.

'Morning Joe' i smiled, walking into the apartment.

However, as we got inside i didn't expect to see what i saw.

Caspar. Emilia. They were kissing?

I couldnt believe it, Caspar had asked her!

I coughed a little bit to get their attention.

'Guessing you asked her then Cas?' I laughed, making them suddenly pull apart.

'Oh, erm- yeah' Caspar smiled whilst him and Emilia were blushing from embarrassment.

'Anyways, Hey guys!' I said with open arms, as if that didn't just happen.

'Heyyyyyy!' They both said in unison, running up to me giving me a hug.

As we got inside the cinema, Caspar sat down next to Emilia, leaving me to sit next to Joe.

'I'm so excited' Joe said, grinning whilst sitting down.

'Me too.' I smiled.

Halfway through the film i looked out the corner of my eye, towards Caspar and Emilia. Their hands were interlocking and they were exchanging kisses once in a while. It was adorable. I wish i had that...

Next, i looked out the corner of my eye, towards Joe this time.
I could see him staring at me out the corner of his eye, causing me to quickly look back towards the screen of the film.
Why was he watching me? I decided to just let it go. Maybe he wasn't watching me, maybe he was watching Emilia & Caspar? I don't know.

'Want to share my popcorn with me?' Joe said randomly, whilst smiling.

'Sure' i said, whilst grabbing some.

After a while he looked back at the screen, but since i had some popcorn left, i threw some at Joe.
He suddenly turned his head and smirked at me.

'You'll wish you wouldn't have done that' he said. He grabbed some popcorn and it turned into a full on popcorn fight.

After a while the popcorn was gone, and we went back to watching the film for the ending.

The film had finished and i couldn't  believe the ending. I can't believe that was the last ever hunger games!

When we got outside of the cinema we decided to go to wagamamas for a few drinks just before we went home.

After two drinks we decided to call it a night. Emilia and Caspar had left and i called a taxi, Joe kindly waited with me.

Me and Joe were laughing about how weird Caspar is to live with, when my taxi finally turned up.
I was about to open the door when Joe held my wrist. I turned around to look at him and he pulled me in and kissed my cheek. He pulled away and i blushed, why did i blush? 'It was just friendly' i told myself.

'Goodnight Joseph' i smiled, getting into the taxi.

'Goodnight Autumn' he said.

As the taxi drove off ,i watched him out the back window, standing there on the street, smiling as the taxi drove off. His image was getting smaller and smaller until i couldn't see it anymore. I finally turned back around and faced the front.
I smiled to myself, deep in thought about tonight.
When suddenly it dawned on me...

Did i like Joe?

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