Chapter 22

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*Autumn's POV*
I was slowly, but surely, falling for Joe. I don't think i wanted to admit it to myself; but i did.
There was just something about him, something other boys don't have, not even Lucas; but i cant quite place my finger on it.

I'm so glad Lucas is out of my life right now. But I just know, when i see his smug face at college, all of the memories will just come flooding back. I'm not prepared for that, not yet. I don't want to think of the memories.
The memories i fought for; the memories he let go.

Lucas had no clue just how much he hurt me; how much pain he put me through. I didn't just loose my boyfriend the moment he broke up with me; i lost my best friend too.

But when i first met Joe, i felt happy. For the first time in a while i was actually happy. After the drama with Lucas, i became a 'recluse', i never left the house. But when Caspar invited me over, it was my chance to put everything behind me and forget. But when i met Joe, it was as though we instantly clicked and the ice was broken. When my world was turned upside down he put it right again.

Joe was my inciting incident.

I finally arrived at home; exhausted. Today was amazing, i wish Emilia could have been there. However, she had chosen today to complete her homework, i'm glad i did it the other day.

I slipped off my shoes and coat, and, once again, ran upstairs to my room.
I chucked my self onto my bed; extremely tired from the hectic day i'd had.

I lay there thinking about how shy Joe had been, and how he faced his fear; to spend a day with me. When we got on the rollercoaster i said he could hold my hand, and he did, grabbing onto it as though he was going to fall off the ride.

I laughed to myself at the thought of his cute face, screaming on the ride.
And with that thought i drifted off to sleep.



My phone vibrated, causing me to wake up suddenly. What time was it?
I checked my phone, it read 23:11. I'd been asleep for almost two hours now; whoever messaged me, it better be important.
I looked at my messages and saw it was a message from Joe.

'Hey Autumn, i had an amazing day today, and thank you for helping me brave my fear of heights. Did you get home safely?
Goodnight, J x'

That was so adorable.

'Hey Joe, no, thank you for today, but i wish you would have told me about your fear of heights. & yes thanks, i'm home okay. I had a lovely day too.
Goodnight Joe x'

I replied, dropped my phone back on my bedside table, and soon enough, I fell back to sleep.

Ficmas day 4

Just 11 days left of school, yesss
I hope you enjoyed this Chapter & don't forget i'm posting every day of December.

On weekdays i will post around 7am, and on weekends i will post just before 12 midday.

I hope you have a lovely day; i'm having a TGIF moment

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