Chapter 9

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*Autumn's POV*
I stood there and took in what Caspar had just said. He was right. How could I have forgiven Lucas so quickly? He still broke my heart, he still ditched me for another group. Why did I give into him because he hugged me? Or said he's 'sorry'? Does he even mean it?
He even told me to F' off, if you 'love' somebody, surely you don't swear at them like that. His words really hurt me. What do I do now? Does he expect me to go crawling back to him? I try to tell myself I won't let that happen.. But I always give in too easily.

"I-i know Casp.. This is all too much for me, why can things never be simple? Why are things in my life always so complicated?" I said, feeling tears well in my eyes, but I kept telling myself I'd done enough crying for one day.

"I know Aut', everything will turn out okay though, trust me, they always do. Please don't get upset" Caspar spoke softly, he was such a great best friend.

*The Weekend*
The day after, I woke up feeling like a bomb had hit me. I felt so horrible and downcast, ugh, it was one of those days. The thing that would cheer me up right now would be a day with Emilia, so I decided to text her.

(A-autumn, E-emilia)
A- Hey mills, fancy doing something with me today?x

Within a few minutes she replied.

E- Hey, & course! Haven't spent a day together in agggeeesssss x
A- We spend almost everyday together?x
E- ah, yano what I mean. Proper full day, not just college. So what you wanna do?x
A- haha, yeah. & hmh, I was thinking maybe shopping and dinner?x
E- its a plan. I'll be round yours in 10 x

I felt excited, this was the best medicine for sad days.
Emilia arrived at mine, I grabbed my suade wedged boots, slipped them on and we headed off shopping.

*At shopping*
We had been shops like: River Island, Topshop, Primark and select.

"Oooh Aut', can we go in New look plllleeeasssee" Emilia begged.

"There's no need ask, of course we can" I laughed.

"D'ya think this Is nice?" Emilia said, pulling on a light grey boyfriend jacket.

"That's lovely! It suits you so well" I beamed.

"Awh thanks" she blushed cutely, "i'll get it."

After going in a few more shops we headed down to McDonalds to get something to eat, it wasn't very classy but was extremely delicious. I ordered the Chicken Mayo burger with a medium lemonade, whilst Emilia ordered the cheese burger with a medium fanta. Just as we were about to Sit down with our food, Emilia placed her food down on the table and walked off. She came back holding a Barbeque sauce and then sat down. She took out her burger and began to smother it in barbeque sauce.

"Mills, what the hell are you doing?" I laughed, cackling like a witch.

"It tastes nice" she smiled.

"But it already has tomato sauce on?" I giggled, calming down from my laughing fit.

"Ah well" she said, taking a huge bite out of her burger.

After eating we sat there drinking our drinks, talking about random things.

"So, anything exciting been happening lately? Apart from last day at college yesterday for 6weeks off? Eeekk" Emilia asked excitedly, which made me remember why I wanted to come out today, to get my mind off what happened yesterday. I realized I had to tell her, maybe she could help?

"well you know how me and Lucas got together? Well he broke up with me.." I sighed, "I got Caspar to come and cheer me up, then we found out Lucas had passed out. We went round his and he apologized to me. But I don't know what to do now Mills. I honestly have no clue in what to do anymore." I said quietly.

"Wow that is bad.. How come you didn't tell me before?" She replied.

"Just wanted say it in person" I forced a smile.

"Don't worry Aut' things will look up for you soon. He will realize how stupid he was to dump you in the first place" she smiled, repeating what Caspar had said to me before.

How did they know things would turn out okay? What if they got worse? I decided to change the subject.

"Anyways, enough about me. What about you? Any exciting goss?" I smiled intrigued in what she had to say.

" well dont make fun of me. But I've wanted to tell you for a while now, I just didn't know when the time was right." She began, "just spit it out!" I laughed.

"Well. Erm-how do I put this?.. I like Caspar, okay? I never thought I'd say that, but I do. He's a genuinely nice guy, he makes me laugh and is really cute." She said with sparkling eyes, it was adorable.

"Awh Mills!!! That's so cute" I smiled, not quite taking it in that she likes him.

"so, what shall I do?" She asked nervously.

"Just go for it. If your positive you like him then go for it." I was so chuffed, they'd make a great couple.

"How though?" She questioned.

"Ask him to do something with you, just you two. Maybe go cinema, bowling, a meal, night in with takeaway or somewhere simple like Starbucks or Costa. Then if he shows signs of liking you back, maybe you could make a move? Or you don't know, maybe he will make the first move." I winked whilst laughing at myself. I noticed Emilia's hands shaking.

"I'm so nervous Autumn, what if I do something wrong?" She asked concerned.

"You won't do anything wrong, it'll go fine" I said, giving her a re-assuring smile.

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