chapter 35

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*Autumn's POV*

We drove in Joe's car for what seemed like forever; and i was in the front seat beside of him.
Being near the road made me a bit anxious, so i tried to sing along with the radio to get my mind off it.

Finally, we arrived at our destination; a place that i'd never been before.
It was a cute little restaurant looking out over the sea of what looked like Brighton. There was a decking with bunting hanging above it, and the smell of home made chips wavered in the air.

At first, i felt self conscious because of my scars. But i just took a big gulp of air i didn't know i needed, and the consciousness was gone.

'This is beautiful!' I cheered, taking in my surroundings.

'Like you then' Joe cringily whispered to me with a smirk; but to be fair it was quite cute.

'Eh what do you think guys?' Joe asked the other two.

'It's so cute, how did you find out about this place?' Emilia asked, intrigued.

'My sister lives in Brighton, she recommended it to me' Joe replied.

We entered the restaurant and decided to sit outside on the decking because it was fairly warm.

We were all choosing what we wanted to eat off of the menu, but Joe excused himself and went to the bathroom. Unexpectedly, i got a random text. I didn't want to be rude texting whilst out for a meal, but it might of been important, so i did anyways.


J: i haven't really gone to the toilet. Go to the back garden of the restaurant and follow the path.

What was he up to?

When i excused myself from the table Caspar and Emilia smirked, almost as if they were trying to resist laughing. Did they know about this?

Eventually, after wandering around, i found my way into the garden.
I looked to the ground and there was a faded brick path leading somewhere. I was confused but i followed it as Joe had asked.

I found myself looking at a wooden hut at the end of the path.
Fairy lights were draped around it, and there, stood next to the door, was Joe Sugg.

'What's all this?' I smiled, impressed.

'Do you not like it?' Joe's smile turned into a frown, like he was disappointed in himself.

'No! I love it Joe!' I jumped into his arms, squeezing him tightly in a hug to say 'thank you'.

'Ohh that's good' he chuckled sweetly, his smile re appearing again.

'I thought this was your celebration party though?' I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

'It is. I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me, and to show you too.' He replied.

'Do the others know about this?' I questioned.

'Yeah- they were in on it.' He grinned.

'Awh you're so adorable' i said, kissing his cheek as we sat down inside the hut.

In it was two small baskets of chips on the table; he must of known i wanted them.

'Joe i-i'm lost for words... I don't deserve this... I don't deserve you' i said gratefully.

'Autumn don't talk like that. You deserve everything and more. You are so unbelievably perfect and i couldn't ask for anything more from you; you already gave me your love' he smiled once again, deeply into my eyes.

His words made me melt inside, whilst his deep sea blue eyes sparkled at me.

At this moment I knew, i did love Joe. It was inevitable, and my love for him wouldn't stop growing.

I didn't care what others thought in this moment in time. Like If anybody thought we were too young to have a relationship. Or If anybody thought we moved to fast.

Because yeah- maybe we did move fast. But i was positive it was for all the right reasons. You don't fall for somebody if it's wrong, you do it if it is right. And right now i was going to binge to what made me happy.

Ever since that day i laid eyes on him, i got sweaty palms and butterflies swarmed in my stomach.
And the funny thing is, even though we're together, the butterflies are still trying to escape.

Ficmas day 17

Good morning,
I can't believe it's day 17 already! It's gone so quick!
I honestly didn't think i would have been able to keep up with my ficmas, but I've proved myself wrong :)

Anyways, today i'm going to cinebowl + ice skating & i'm really excited. I feel like i haven't ice skated for so long!

I hope you all have a great day & remember Christmas is only in 8 days! X

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