Chapter 7

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*Autumn's POV*
A few days have passed.. I can't do this anymore. I can't stand him being around everyone else, girls flirting with him... He promised me he loved me. I hate to say this, but Emilia was right, he must have been flirting with Ava before.. Anyways, I know they all like him, its so obvious, but Lucas obviously denies it. I can't help but feel he has no time for me anymore, or wants to make time for me... But I still love him.
Just as i was deep in thought, he sent me a message.

L: Aut', I don't think we're working anymore.
A: what do you mean?xx
L: us. Our relationship. It doesn't work.
A: so, what are you saying?...
L: well.. I guess, we're over. I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt you. But we don't work, we were better as friends.
A: what did I do wrong? I'll put it right, I promise. Is there someone else?
L: what do you mean someone else? Don't be silly Autumn. I still love and care for you & I can see us being together in the future. I just don't want a relationship at this age.
A: I understand...

I took in everything he had just said. He's breaking up with me but he still loves me? If you love someone you do anything to be with them, don't you? I really don't understand.
I crouched down on the floor beside my bed; curled up and began to cry. At first it was a small tear, but the tears turned into a rain storm. I couldn't stop them from falling, the pain hurt too much. I felt like my heart was broken into millions of pieces. Did I deserve this? The person who is always bubbly & can make me laugh is Caspar. I took out my phone from my pocket and the phone began to ring.

*Caspar's POV*
I was lying on the sofa watching TV with my mum. Soon, when I turn 18, I was going to be moving in with my other best friend Joe.
Just then, my phone began to ring; it was Autumn. What was wrong? I got up and ran into the hallway to answer her call.

"Hey whats wrong?" I instantly said.
When I listened closely, I heard sniffles and a quiet cry.

"Autumn?" I asked again, more concerned.

"L-lucas.. Du-" she began to say, until she let out more tears. I knew what she was going to say, how could Lucas do this to her? He knows how much he means to her, but he's let her go?

"Don't worry Autumn, i'm on my way over." I said, and hung up the phone.

I knew Autumn's parents because I've been to there house many times before, considering Autumn was one of my best friends. I grabbed my Nike shoes and began to walk towards the door.

"Mum, i'm going round a friends." I called into the living room.

"Okay Caspy!" She replied, nicknaming me.

I walked as quickly as I could until I turned up at Autumn's house, it took me 5minutes. I gave my famous knock onto the door, when Autumn's mum answered.

"Hey Caspar, what's up?" She asked.

"Is Autumn in, can I see her?" I replied politely.
She gave a confused look put held the door ajar for me to walk in.

"She's in her room" she said, so I replied with a nod.

I walked up the stairs and onto the landing, where I heard crying; Autumn crying. I don't know how her mum didn't hear it..
I slowly opened the door, not entirely sure if I wanted to see what was on the other side.
Autumn was curled up into a ball, head on her knees with tears trickling down her red cheeks. I hated seeing her like this, it wasn't fair.
Words weren't going to help in a situation like this, so I knew what I had to do. I walked over to her, knelt down and forced her into a hug. I felt her wet tears soak into my shirt; I didn't really care. I just wanted my best friend to feel okay again, and I wanted to know why my other 'best friend' would want to make her feel this way... Why?

Sometimes I think he's pathetic. He's a really good mate, we get on really well. However, sometimes he acts stupidly, when he gets someone who loves him, or someone who truly cares for him, he just pushes them away.

I was stuck In the middle of my two best friends...What do I do?

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