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-All credit for the lyrics of wild go to Troye Sivan not me I want to do a song chapter-
-- Phil's Pov --
R/N was freaking out. Winnie was crying just because she was fussy. R/N was stressed out and she paced back and forth. I picked up Winnie and tried to calm her down. I put her in her playpen as R/N was trying to put the puzzle pieces together. R/N fell to the floor. I ran over and led her to the couch. "What's wrong???" I shook her. "He's gone." I was speechless. "He left last night. Before Kayla left he told me in his room he was going. I slapped him. He said he couldn't do it and I went blank. He tried to hug me but I pulled away. He's destroying me on the inside but I can't leave him because of Winnie." R/N was crying. "Mama." Trying hard not to fall. On the way home. You were trying to wear me down. Down. Kissing up on fences and up on walls I guess it's working out now. R/N looked at the smiling Winnie with her teeth coming in. "Mama." She repeated giggling. "Winn?" She said smiling. "Mama." She frowned she started to whine and reach for R/N. "Hunny! You said Mama!" R/N squealed spinning Winnie around. "Baba." Winnie said reaching for her bottle. R/N smiled. "Look at you cutie! You are growing up!" R/N said tickling Winnie's belly. R/N picked up the bottle and fed the one year old.
--Dan's Pov--
Cause it's too long to the weekend. Too long till I drown in your hands. To long since I've been a fool. Leave this blue neighborhood never knew loving could hurt this good. And it drives me wild. Cause when you look like that I've never ever wanted to be so bad yeah. And it drives me wild. You're driving me wild wild wild. You're driving me wild wild wild. I was driving in my car to P.J's house. Felix Or pewdiepie was already at his house. So was Mark (MARKIPLIER) and Chris (crabstickz) and Connor Franta and Jack and Finn. And Colleen and Josh were also there. (Sorry for the horrible grammar I am too lazy to fix it.) I pulled into The driveway and Mark was still not here. I walked inside and PJ welcomed me. "Hey Dan!" Come on let's get started. My phone buzzed. It is Mark. I answered the phone. "I'm going to be a little late." Mark said. "Okay wait what are you doing?" "Picking up someone." I heard Marzia giggle in the background. "Don't tell Felix he thinks I'm still visiting family in Italy we want him to be surprised." Marzia laughed. "Okay see you when you two get here." I laughed. I walked in the living room everyone is seated and waiting. Mark walked in. Felix looked quite unhappy. "What's wrong Felix?" Dan said holding back a smile. "Marzia would love to plan this." Marzia burst through the door and jumped into Felix's arms. "Marzia?!" "Hi!" She giggled jumping down from his arms. "I'm here now." Marzia laughed. "Let's get started." I said smiling nervously. Marzia brought many scrapbooks. "I couldn't wait for this Dan!" Marzia giggles. Colleen laughed. "Josh and I can definitely help." Colleen spoke up. PJ and Chris both replied at the same time. "We're without a doubt helping." They smiled with cheesy grins. "I'll take her to dinner." Colleen volunteered. Marzia said "I'll come too." Colleen and Marzia high fived. PJ said "I will take her to the rose garden."
--Timeskip because I am bored with this part.--
--R/N's Pov--
"Where the fuck is Dan??" I said aloud. "Thank god Winnie is visiting with zoella." Phil said pacing. He kept getting text messages. Phil kept responding. "I'm going to kill him." I muttered under my breath. "Calm down he's coming soon. I heard a knock at the door. "Weird?" I thought thinking he could just walk in. I whipped open the door making Colleen and Marzia jump back from the door. "Oh my god you scared me!!!" Colleen yelled laughing at the same time. "I thought you were going to kill us." Marzia said smiling. "Dan left this morning and I don't know where he fucking is!!" I let them in and started to pace again. Phil ran past us. "I got to go visit someone." Phil said. "See ya later!" Phil yelled shutting the door behind him. "We have a surprise!" Colleen smiled. She pulled a huge black Urban Outfitters bag I clearly hadn't seen before. (Dress image above) "A dress for you!" Marzia smiled. "It's so pretty! Thank you so much!!!" I jumped up and down. I got changed and walked out of Dan's room and to the lounge. I walked to the door and grabbed the vlog camera. "Vlog all of this!" Colleen smiled. Marzia and Colleen led me outside to Colleen's car. (Tbh- I kinda gave up on the music chapter.)
Marzia sat with me in the back. Colleen stopped at a national park. "Bye guys!" Colleen said driving off leaving us at the national park sign. Marzia handed me my phone and said "take a selfie by the sign put it on snapchat." She got next to me and we both smiled. " it's posted. Now what?" "We wait!" She smiled. Phil pulled up in a Lamborghini. "Where did you get this!!!??" "I told you I know a person!" He smiled and put on sunglasses. I hopped in the front seat and Marzia called someone and waved as Phil drove off on the highway. We both sung/screamed never be alone by Shawn Mendes. I was jamming out. "Phil? Where are we going?" "Suprise!" He said smirking not telling me what the surprise is. "UGHHHHH you're useless." I laughed. We pulled up to a beautiful park. Paper lights were everywhere and the night was approaching swallowing the sun. PJ was at the curb. He had a tux on. "My lady." He said bowing. I laughed. Phil pulled off his sweater to show his suit underneath. "What the hell?" I said when I saw Colleen vlogging. Winnie was down the middle of the path in a pretty green dress. "Mama!" She smiled and tried to take her first steps. "Come on Winnie you can do it!" I said with tears in my eyes. She took a wobbly step towards me. She landed on her bum and gave me a frustrating look. "Hunny you can do it." She stepped and inched her way to my arms. Winnie tilted toward me and reached. I swooped her into my arms and hugged her. I placed her down and Zoey grabbed her smiling and said "Have fun!" I smiled back and walked down the path Phil and PJ chatting quietly behind me. Weeping willow trees covered the end of the path. Phil and PJ lifted branches like it was a curtain and pulled them back for me to go through. Dan was standing with black roses in his hand. I smiled I stepped through the leaves and around the lit hanging candles making a beautiful glow on the grass and picnic blanket laid out on the ground. Phil and PJ had dropped the branches and left. Dan handed the roses to me. I placed them down and hugged him. "You left." I said instantly frowning. He whispered in my ear. "I planned all this for you. That's why I left." I scared you didn't I?" He laughed. "Yeah you did." I smiled. "Why did you think I would leave you?" Dan said pulling away from the hug. "It's been so stressful lately." I said. "I wouldn't leave you." He said holding my shoulders. He sat down with the picnic basket we ate until the basket was empty. He held out his hand and helped me up. He held my hand and placed my other on his shoulder. He wrapped his free hand and we started to slow dance. Take a piece of my heart and make it all your own so when we are apart you'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Shawn Mendes never be alone played in the background as we danced underneath the stars. The candles were blown out and the stars lit up the purple night sky. He walked with my hand in his through the branches. We walked down  the dark path. Dan let go and whispered "Stay back." I froze. "Dan Howell. Didn't know you'd be here." "Shut up." Dan sneered. Dan had walked further away in front of me. I snuck closer but stayed in the shadows. A tall man probably as tall as Dan stepped out of the shadows and punched Dan in the face. I screamed out. The man looked over at me. Dan turned and threw a punch at the man's chest. The punch collided and a thump was heard. The man stumbled back. "DAN WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed. "Another side bitch Dan?" The man smiled grimly. Dan had it. He tackled the man throwing him back towards the green shrubbery lining against the treelike leading to the woods. The man leaped up kicked Dan in the stomach and ran over to me. I sprinted down the path my heart racing and my hair flying behind me. A hand grabbed me from behind. My mouth was covered and I was gone. Black surrounding me, my vision speckled with black dots fading into a sea of dark.

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