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"I'm thinking about going to see Ellie after shooting today." Jensen said as he sat down next to Danneel.

"You just saw her yesterday." Danneel said trying to disguise the bitterness in her tone.

Jensen shrugged, "I'm used to seeing Elle everyday."

Danneel tried to keep herself from looking insecure. She loved Jensen but she always got the feeling that Ellie was always the one he cared about more. It was different than his relationship with Jared, who he was also really close to. She knew Ellie's history and knew that Jensen was there to pick up the pieces. What they went through was something that Danneel could never relate to with Jensen and she felt horrible for feeling that way.

"Go see her." Danneel said trying to sound happy.

She noticed the smile that spread across Jensen's face. He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. Danneel's heart sank at how happy he looked at the thought of seeing her. She hated how she felt about Jensen's and Ellie's relationship, definitely even more so because of how much Jensen liked her.

Jensen tucked a piece of Danneel's hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering there. She smiled at him, feeling herself blush a little. She loved the way Jensen could always make her feel butterflies in her stomach.

"Just be home by a decent hour please." She sighed. "I don't want to wait up long for you."

He nodded and got up, grabbing his coffee mug and carrying it into the kitchen. He poured the remaining coffee into a travel cup, securing the lid on tight.

"Alright, I gotta go to set." He said walking over to Danneel and kissing her on the lips.

"Don't be too late, you hear me babe." Danneel called to him.

She heard the door click shut and she leaned further back into the couch, her stomach churning at the thought of Jensen being with Ellie.

Always By Your Side: Jensen Ackles FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now