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"Hola chica! It's been too long since I've seen my best friend!" Gen squealed as she pulled Ellie into a hug.

Ellie felt her eyes well up at Gen's growing baby belly. She pulled away from Gen and placed her hand on her belly, mesmerized by the feeling.

"Oh my god, you look amazing! I'm gonna start crying!" Ellie smiled as she took in the sight of her best friend.

"If you cry I'm gonna start crying because of all these stupid pregnancy hormones!" Gen said, fanning her eyes as they started to well up, "Wow, we are making quite a scene."

Ellie laughed as she realized they were standing at baggage claim on the airport. For those few seconds it felt like just the two of them. They grabbed Gen's luggage and made their way to the crowded NYC streets.

"I feel like we are Blair Waldorf and Serena Van Der Woodson right now as we parade the City." Gen joked.

"Wow I tell you to watch Gossip Girl for like two years and as soon as I leave you start watching it." Ellie rolled her eyes.

"Well I figured once the baby comes I won't be able to watch anything so I've been binging. And you know I can't resist finishing the whole series once I start."  Gen laughed.

"Anyways, whats new with you?" Ellie asked as she hailed a taxi.

Gen shrugged, "Besides growing a human, nothing much."

They climbed into the taxi as the driver put Gen's suitcase into the trunk.

"So what do you want to do? I know you've been here before but there's got to be stuff you haven't seen yet."  Ellie asked.

"I really want to go to this really cute cafe. I have the name written down somewhere in suitcase. Also, I've been craving macaroons like crazy so I'm going to scarf down as many of those as I can but it's okay because it's what the baby wants."

"I missed you so much." Ellie smiled, leaning over and feeling the baby once again.

The driver hit the brakes, swerving the car and yelling something but Ellie did not catch a word he said. She looked out her window and saw a car coming right at her and then her body seemed to turn to jelly as they collided. The window shattered, the deafening sound so loud her hearing turned muffled a few seconds later. She turned to Gen who was in shock but seemed to be okay.  Ellie slipped in and out of consciousness, her vision going black and fuzzy before finally she felt nothing at all.

Always By Your Side: Jensen Ackles FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now