Chapter 29

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"I'll check with Liam but that sounds great, dad." I tell Jace through the phone.

"Diana wants to meet Dave as well but he's hesitant." Jace says.

"I'll talk to him. I haven't talked to him in a little while so I'll even go see him after work and catch up with him." I reply.

"Thank you, Becky." He says.

"Don't worry about it, dad. Now I have to go but I'll text or call you later with an answer to dinner." I reply.

"Alright, sweety, I love you." He says.

"I love you too, bye." I reply and he hangs up.

"You're lucky I know you better or I would've thought you were cheating on me." I hear Liam say and I look up at him with a smile.

"You know you are the only man for me. It was my dad actually, and he was wondering if the two of us wanted to come to dinner with him and Diana to officially meet them as a couple. Family dinner or something but he wants us all there." I reply and he kisses my forehead.

"Of course we can go, you seem reasonably excited my the whole thing." He says.

"It feels nice to have a family again." I reply and he smiles softly.

"Miss Woods, security are complaining abo---- Oh I didn't realise you were taking a break." Nate says as he walks into the room.

"I'm not here for long, just bringing her lunch." Liam states and Nate nods.

"After you have had your lunch, could you come to my office please, Miss Woods?" Nate asks and I nod.

"Of course, sir." I answer and he nods before walking off again.

Liam places my lunch on my desk before lifting me up, sitting down on the chair then placing me down on his lap. I smile and kiss his cheek before grabbing the paper bag. I open it and smile when I see a ham and cheese croissant and a chocolate muffin.

"Thank you, Liam." I say as I reach in and take out the croissant.

"You're welcome, baby." He replies before kissing my cheek.

I quickly eat my lunch and slowly sip at my iced tea before sighing, "I should get back to work."

"You should. I'll see you later, yes?" Liam asks.

"Yes but I'm going to Dave's after work so I might be a little later than normal." I answer and he nods before pecking my lips gently.

"I love you and I will see you later." He says as we both stand up.

"I love you too and I will see you later." I reply before pecking his lips again.

He smiles before walking off.

I grab my diary then make my way to Nate's office. I knock before entering and Nate looks frustrated.

"Look, I'm sending Miss Woods down now, she'll know what to do." Nate says into the phone before hanging up.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Security have been seeing people lurking around the building again and think people are monitoring but they don't know for sure. You are good at calming people as well as picking up small details so please go down and try sort this." He answers and I nod.

"I'll try to be quick about it." I say before leaving the office.

I decide to take the stairs and I'm glad I did because when I get to the second floor stairs one of the employees is being held at gun point.

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