Dean's p.o.v

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I was down stairs making blue berry pancakes when angle and some of her friends came down. "Hey,where is Amanda?" "Up stairs she'll be down in a second." Angle says coming over and taking a plate of pancakes and sitting at the table. Then everything disappeared around me all I could small was a sweet smell of Vanilla and maple. I turn around and that amazing smell belonged to one person... Amanda walked in to the kitchen and my wolf max yelped 'mate!' Amanda looked beautiful today wearing a little bit to little of clothes then I would have wished but damn she's fine! I was about to speak until one of my friends who's had a crush on her forever came on the room and hugged her. My wolf wanted to rip his throat out but I held myself back. But then Andrew started checking her out. I let out loud growl and flashed over to them "MINE!" I practically yelled. "Sorry Alfa." Andrew says leaving the room. "Amanda I made you guys pancakes." I say looking at her examining her confused face. Did she not know I was her mate yet?
Amanda's p.o.v.
When I walked down to the kitchen and saw Dean starring at me I was a bit confused until my wolf yelped mate. Dean my mate but he's the most desired male in the pack he would never love me. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a body wrap around me it was Andrew the beta of the pack. I could have sworn I heard dean growl but I was probably imagining things. Andrew pulled away and looked at the lack of clothes I had on I wasn't un comfortable though I'm pretty confident about my body I stay in shape pretty well. Again I was snapped out of my thoughts by nearly crapping my self when I heard a deep voice yell 'MINE' it ended up being deans voice. Wait did he seriously claim me that fast I mean after all of those years of him being a jerk and now he thinks he can claim me? 'You know you like being his he's hot' crystal states in my mind. Well she wasn't wrong. God I'm so confused I need to go hunt. "I'm going to hunt I'll be back in an hour and we can get ready for my party." I say taking off my cardigan and walking towards the door "you shouldn't go alone let me come with you!" Dean yells after me "No I'll be fine now please turn around so I can finish getting undressed so I can change into my wolf." Dean turns around as I took off my clothes. I could hear my bones snapping and see the white fur slowly replacing my skin intill I was a full blown wolf. But I forgot one thing. To open the door. Crap. I turn and bark at dean and he let me out. "I'll leave your clothes on the porch for you." He says as a ran off into the woods as fast as I could until I was out of our Territory and where I could hunt. I was about to decide where to go until I heard a crunching sound I turn around to see red eyes the eyes of a Rogue. Before I could do anything he lunged at me and threw me into a tree. I slowly got up and began to fight back by biting his neck until in be fan to bleed but he but my neck back I bit harder into his neck causing him to die almost in a second. I dropped him and limped back into our territory and the fell. All I could see was black.

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