Party planner

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"So deans birthdays coming up and I want to through him a party. But I need help." I say to angel sitting on her bed. "I can help with that but we should do it tomorrow Dean will never expect it to be so soon." "Okay I need you to distract him." "Actually you need to distract Dean he wants you to go with him to look for somethings he wants to replace his furniture in his room and he wants your opinion." "Oh okay so do you want to go get the stuff now and we can have someone hide it in the big fridge down stairs." "Yeah I'll have our cooks help us." "Okay um I'll text Dean tell him we are going shopping can you go grab Mia Matt roan and gabby and tell them to clean up the back yard?" "Yeah sure I'll be right back." "K I'm gonna go change." "K meet me back here in like ten minutes?" "Okay."
Me: hey me and your sister are going shopping I'll be home in a few hours.
Dean: Okay be safe I love you and can you pick me up a new printer I may have broke mine.
Me:what happened?
Dean:I'm really mad about this ass hole he saw a picture of you and started saying how hot you were and how he would 'hit that' and I broke my printer.
Me: Do you want me to come see you before we leave?
Dean:Yes please.
Me:okay just let me get changed.
I set my phone on the bed and walked over to the closet I grabbed my burgundy cropped top and a pair of black high waisted shorts then I slipped on my burgundy converse grabbed my phone and purse then walked out the door to deans office before I could nock the door was open. "Come on in." I walked in and over to Dean "hey are you okay?" I ask putting my hand on his shoulder. He slowly turned and looked at me and looked at my outfit. "Go change." He orders. "What? No." "I said go change don't make me ask you again." "You never asked me once."  "Please go change." "No I have to go you might want to loose that attitude by the time I come back or you'll be sleeping on the couch. I say walking out the door and slamming it behind me. What an ass-. I was jerked out of my thoughts of the sound of a loud howl and the sound if things being smashed. Then I felt a hand in me it was Angels. "Amanda you need to go and calm him down before he hurts someone." I really wanted to say no but then I saw Angels eyes began to tear up then I knew how important it was. I walked towards his door and opened it to see Dean holding a man against the wall by his neck. "You stay away from her or I will kill you." Dean howls. The mans face turned purple as he was gasping for air. "Dean!" I yell running towards him. I quickly grabbed his arm pulling it off the guys neck. Dean instantly calmed down by my touch(It's because of the mating bound.) I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in for a hug. "Calm down baby calm down I'm here and I still love you." I say as I kiss his cheek. He was now calm and began kissing my lips. "I love you." He whispers as we brake the kiss. "I have to go Dean but maybe when I come back we can go to the lake and have a little picnic." "Be careful." "I will I promise." I say walking out the door. I'm still mad that he is always so moody but I still love him and I can't have him killing people because of me.
A/N: if anyone has any recommendations for this book comment and please vote If you like this book until next time. Bye. Picture up above is of Dean and Amanda's room.

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