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"Hey you want to go to the beach?" Dean asks coming into our room. "Um yeah sure let me get ready." I walk over into the closet and grab a black Bikini top and purple bikini bottoms. I went in the bathroom and got changed. Then came out and grabbed a pair of worn out jean shorts and a black supernatural shirt. Then I put that over my bathing suit. "What does your shirt mean by my fandom will salt and burn yours?" Dean asks pointing at my shirt. "I guess me and you have to watch supernatural tonight so you can see." "I guess so." I grabbed my sunglasses and slipped on my white vans.
At the beach
The wheat her was perfect it was like 90 degrees but I was happy because it's finally June. "You want to go for a swim?" Dean asks. "Sure." I took off my shirt and shorts than ran towards the ocean. "Last one there gets
Dunked in the water!" I screamed while running towards the ocean. I was feet away almost there but something pulled me back I turn to face what it was. "Dean let go of me you cheater." "No thanks I like it like this."I pounded my fist against his chest. "Let go of me you assbut!" "What's an assbut?" "Omg we for real need to watch supernatural tonight." He let go of me looking confused. "What's so great about supernatural?" "Omg take that back it has everything supernatural demons super hot hunters an angle who I think should date one of the super hot hunters I mean what's not to love?" "You think they're hot?" "Well deans pretty good looking." "Well yeah I know I am." "Not you you but hole I mean Dean Winchester." "I'll kill him." He growls. "He'll salt and burn you!" I smirk. "That's torturous who would do such I thing?" "You are aware we are talking about a tv show right that humans don't think we exist." "Oh I knew that but I'm the only one your allowed to think I'm hot." "It's cute  you think you can control me." "It's cute you think I can't." Dean loosened his grip as he leaned into kiss me. But I pulled away making him stumble I started to dance as my feet hit the water. "I win you loose." I say pointing at him. "Your luck I love you." "You love me?" "Yeah I was kinda hoping you were my mate but I never admitted it cause my sister would hate me. Do you love me?" "I'm not sure yet but I have strong feelings for you in more then friend terms." "No rush I'll wait a thousand years if I have to." "Thank you." He came closer to me. " no need to thank me for sharing my feelings." "I have a question." "What is that baby girl?"  "How would you liked to be dunked?" "I don't care just push me under but please don't drown me." "I would never!" "Yeah sure." He says in a sarcastic tone. I applied pressure on his shoulders forcing him under. I counted to 15 then let him come up. "I didn't drown you." I smirk swimming away until he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back. "Let go Dean I want to swim I say wiggling out of this grasps. Then I swam away as fast as I could. "You can't get me now!" I yell to him. "You are one crazy child." He said swimming after me.
A/N: sorry I didn't post a lot yesterday I lost my phone while I was four wheeling and found it in a pit of mud. Anyways hope you enjoyed Damanda.

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