The rescue

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Amanda's p.o.v.
I woke up to see Jaime sitting in a chair. "Good to see you're finally up." "What do you want from me?" "What makes you think I want something from you?" "Well you did kidnap me." "Oh well now that you mention it I do need something from you, I know your a white wolf you see I used to watch you when I was younger. My dad needed your powers but your family was to protective so we killed them then blamed it on rogues." "Y-you ass hole!" "That really hurt." He says grabbing his chest. "What do you want from me?" "I just need to drain your powers the I'll be on my way." "No!" "You know your pretty sassy I think you need a timeout." Jaime walked over with a whip in his hand and whipped me. Then when he was done He dragged me across the floor and chained me to the wall with silver chains the pain strikes through me wishing I was lucky enough to be dead.
Deans p.o.v
I began to pick up her scent about an hour away from the beach house. Then I spotted a small house that was surrounded by rogues. "She's in there guy we got to kill them and get in there and save her."
"Yes alpha" the pack says in his uision I called the whole pack to meet me here and the did as told "everyone attach." We all Morph into out wolfs and attach the rogues. "You guys fight I'm going to get Amanda. Mia,gabby,roan,angle,Maris and Matt come with me." We al charge through the door ripping all of the rogues heads off then followed her scent down to the basement were we took two more rogues down. I then barged through the door hearing her scream in pain I came around the corner to Jaime stabbing Amanda with a silver knife. Max was in full control of me as he ran up to Jaime and took him down to the ground.
Amanda p.o.v
"Are you done being a bitch?" Jaime asks hiding something behind his back. "The only way to make me stop being a bitch is making me stop breathing." "Okay then." Jaime says exposing a long knife with a silver blade. "W-what are you gonna do?" "Rip your heart out." Jaime says in a mater-of-fact tone. I began to get nervous every step he took towards me until I was full on crying as he stabs his silver blade into my stomach. I began to scream in pain until the silver was gone and Jaime was on the ground with Dean on top of him. "Dean look out he has a kn-" my warning was to late Dean was stabbed in the back left leg. "DEAN!" I sobbed for him every time Jaime would stab him. "Amanda we are gonna get you out of here." Mia said as matin locked my hand cuffs. "No I have to help Dean. The legend has it that I will get my powers when I need them most and I need them now." I sob. "Amanda you have to go!" Roan said as Maris dragged me towards the door. With tears in my eyes I focused on the knife in Jaime's hand until the knife fought out of his hands and came into mine. "Let me go I need to kill this son of a bitch." I yell to Maris as he began loosing his grip.
I ran over to were they were fighting to see Dean biting jaime's neck as I stabbed Jaime in the heart. Dean jumped up still fully alerted as I ran over and wrapped my arms around his big wolf neck as he licked the side of my face. "I am so sorry." Dean says through mind link. "Shh I forgive you,it's not your fault for caring about me. Now Chang into human form so I can kiss you." "Can you grab my clothes from angles backpack and tell them to turn around?" "Hey guys turn and face the wall and angle pass me deans clothes please?" Angle threw mea pair of deans athletic shorts and a black v-neck. As I turn around I see Dean standing there completely naked. "Put this on" I say handing him the clothes. "You can look now." I hear Dean say. I turn around and ran into his arms and kissed him "I missed you so much baby girl." "I missed you to,Alpha."

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