Moving day.

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Bang! "Don't drop my stuff Dean!" "What are you gonna do about it?" He asked slapping my bum. "If your gonna be inappropriate I will ask Matt to help me." "Fine! Buzzkill." "I am not a buzzkill, take that back!" "And what if I don't?" "Then I'll sleep in my old room tonight." Dean let out a light chuckle. "It's cute you think you have a choice." "I do have a choice."I say walking to the closet and hung some clothes up. "What ever makes you sleep at night." "Well it used to be Andrew but now that we are mates I have to find something else." Deans face turned red and he let out a growl. "I kid I kid." I say walking over to him kissing his cheek. "Now go get the rest of the stuff." "Fine."
We finally finished with me moving in. "Well welcome home." Dean says hugging me. "I have lived here for 6 years Dean." "Well then welcome to the new room." "Thanks." "So what do you want to do first?" "Sleep." "Oh I would love for us to do that but I have a meeting soon." "I'm talking about sleeping were I actually get some rest." "Oh okay then enjoy your nap." "Thanks." Dean came over to me and kissed my forehead "I'll be back. There better not be any guys in here when I come back." "Awe man better cancel my plans with Dave then." "Who's Dave?" "Your pretty adorable when your jealous." "I'm pretty adorable all the time." He says closing the door.

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