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"Dean let's go swimming!" I scream pulling him to the water. "Calm down man your never like this what is with you?" He asks pulling me into his chest and kissing my forehead. "I'm happy to be here!" "Okay?" "Okay it's the first time of me being home I was afraid of coming home for the first time sense my family died. I grew up here and now they're gone. But I am so happy to be back." A mumble the last part into his chest. "I even learned how to surf out here." "Wait you surf?" I grin flashed on my face as I ran to grab a board. "Watch this!" I scream to everyone as I was paddling out waiting for the perfect wave. Not to long later  a 6.5 foot wave came in I began to paddle and paddle until it was time to stand up I stood up as the wave was about to crash and steared through the wave. Towards the end I did a 180 degree twist then coming fully out of the wave right as it was about break.
"That was hott!" Dean says bringing me over to the house. "Why thank you." "Is there anything else I don't know about you?" "You'll find out when the times right." "Can you share one now?" "Okay." Lean close to his ear and whisper. "I think Channing Tatum is hotter then you." I quickly scurried away running towards the house. "Amanda get your ass back here." I hear Dean growl behind me. "Amanda isn't available right bow please leave a message. Bye." I yell as I run away as fast as my legs could carry. "Ooff. I'm sorry I didn't mean to run into you." "Oh no problem you can run into me any time." A tall buff man with blonde hair said. "I'm Amanda." "Hi I'm Jamie." I heard a loud growl from behind me. "Mine." Dean growls wrapping his arms around me. "Woah man chill God take a chill pill." "Yeah Dean take a chill pill." I laugh. "I wouldn't need a chill pill if this skumbag wasn't hitting on my fiancé." Dean growls "I'm sorry I didn't know." "Yeah of course you didn't you dumb ass." "Let's go Amanda." I wave good bye and walk in the front door of the beach house. "What the hell was that?" Dean growls "What do you mean?" I ask confused. "You flirting with that guy." He growls pointing towards the door. "I wasn't flirting I ran into him apologized and and introduced myself Dean learn how to trust me jeez." "Amanda I'm sorry I just-" "save it." I say cutting him off. "I hope you like sleeping on the couch tonight. I say storming up the stairs I mean God that ass wipe. He doesn't even trust me.

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