Chapter 25

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After being forced into going to this garden place with the class and writing about it, I was finally free from everyone. I made sure I didn't lose anything and started to walk out.

"Liam!" I heard Professor Newman call for me. I turned to see him.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Professor Shultz and I talked to those three boys you talked about, and they have a really good shot of getting it. They are applying, which is amazing. The music department needs new faces." I smiled.

"I know you went," I said, "Niall called me right after you told them." Prof. Newman nodded with a smile.

"Have a nice rest of your day Liam," he told me while walking away.

"You too!" I called, putting my hands in my pockets. I smiled even more and walked out of the area.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Cheryl running up to me. I sighed and picked up my pace.

"Hey Liam!" Cheryl said to me in a cheery tone once she got to me, "Where are you going?"

I looked at her a little and said, "To see some friends."

"Oh, what friends?!" She was being way too perky. I had seriously no clue why she was so interested in me after we fought and broke up.

"Just some I met over the past few weeks." She nodded and smiled.

"Well, have fun!" She giggled in a giddy way and ran off to Andy, who pecked her lips and held her by her waist. He turned to me and waved a little. I formed a fake smile and waved back. I then turned back around and walked faster to the store.

It didn't take me long to get to the store, which surprised me. I was really learning my way around London. It was such a beautiful place and I didn't want to leave. Sadly, at the end of the month, I would have had to. And I would have had to leave Niall behind...

I knew from some people that long distance relationships didn't always work out. Actually, according to them, they never worked out. I couldn't leave Niall though. He had gone through so much and he needed me, as I needed him. We were each other's lives, even if we had only been dating 4 or 5 days. When I would have to leave him, I'd be ruined, and so would he. He's only my second relationship, but so far it was better than my first. I always felt this strange feeling when I was with Niall. It was like I couldn't bare to not be at his side. He was my world.

I loved him...

I reached the store about 20 minutes after I left the garden place.  I saw Niall sitting on the front counter, talking to Louis and Harry. They all seemed to have really big smiles on their faces. I know it was all because I got them the applications. I walked in and shut the door behind me. I quietly walked up to them.

"What's with all the smiling?" I asked cheekily. They all looked to me and smiled more.

"Liam!" Niall called, getting off of the table and running to me. I was engulfed in a huge hug that almost knocked he and I to the floor.

"Hey Nialler," I said, hugging him back, "I guess you're happy about the NYU thing?"

"Happy?" Louis asked exasperated, "We're over the moon! My mum literally screamed into the phone when I called her."

"And my mum went home in tears," Harry chimed in. I looked to Niall, who was still smiling.

"What about you're mum?" I asked.

Blue (Niam AU) (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now