Chapter 27

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I sighed as I stared at the humongous stack of papers in front of me. I placed my elbow on my desk and leaned my cheek against my hand. I read the top of the first page.

New York University Application Packet

I had printed it off earlier that morning, just after Liam left to join his classmates for some thing that I couldn't recall. I fiddled with the pen in my other hand as I read through the front page. It talked about the different steps and the different majors I could apply for. Liam was obviously taking classes for his major in the literary arts. Right under that was the one that Louis, Harry, and I all agreed on. The musical arts major. I turned the page to see the first things to fill out. I clicked open my pen and began.

Full Name: Niall James Horan

Age: 19

Current Location: London, England

Major of Choice: Musical Arts

I went through the first few pages swiftly. They were just asking about easy things like my interests and weaknesses. I had to sign a few papers to make sure that I wouldn't lie on the application. I also filled out a scholarship application. Mum still couldn't pay for my education, even though she got paid more than she did when I finished my GCSEs. I explained why I needed the scholarship and finished with that portion of the application.

I heard a knock at my front door. I sighed and stood up from my desk chair, heading to the door. I unlocked it and opened the door, revealing Ms. Riggs from across the hall.

"Hi Ms.," I said with a slight yawn. It was 10 in the morning and I had only woken up half an hour earlier.

"Hello Niall," she said, "I just got called for an emergency meeting at the office, and my normal sitter for Baylee isn't available today. Can you look after her for the day?" I looked down to see her 8 year old daughter, Baylee, looking up at me with big blue eyes.

"Of course," I said, looking back up at Ms. Riggs, "is there anything you need me to do while she's here?"

Ms. Riggs nodded a little, "Just remember to feed her lunch and keep her occupied. She is usually very quiet and too herself; just make sure she has things to do." I nodded and smiled.

"I'll make sure of that." Ms. Riggs gave me a relieved look.

"Thank you so much for this. I'll be back to pick her up at 8," she bent down to her daughter and hugged her tightly, "Be good for Niall, yeah?" The little girl nodded.

"Yes mummy," Baylee said in a whisper, "I will." Her mum kissed  her forehead and left quickly, making sure she wasn't late. I held out my hand for Baylee.

"Wanna come inside?" I asked her, "I have old puzzles if you want to do a few of those." Baylee looked at my hesitantly and shakily took my hand. I guided her inside and closed the door behind us. I let her sit down on my couch as I went to the hall closet near the bathroom and got out a few puzzles that mum had given me from when I was little. I put them down next to the coffee table and cleared the top of it, putting one puzzle out for her.

"I'll be right back," I told her, and she nodded. Baylee began putting the puzzle together as I went to my room to grab my application, a pen, my laptop, and a lap desk. I went back to the living room and sat down on the couch, getting everything together.

"What's all that?" I heard a small voice ask me. I looked to Baylee and saw that she has paused from her puzzle to see what I was doing. I smiled at her and opened my laptop.

Blue (Niam AU) (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now