Chapter 20

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Ellie's POV.

I looked over at Louis as he sat on the couch watching tv. I still haven't told him about my miscarriage. I'm scared to but I know that I have to tell him.

"You okay El?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Louis.

"Yeah...uhm actually no. I need to tell you something." I say. His expression turned into worry.

"What's wrong?" I sat closer to him and tried to find the words to say.


A tear streamed down my face when I looked up at his light blue eyes.

"I..I lost the baby." I looked down not wanting to look at Louis any longer. He grabbed my chin pulling it up to look at him. He wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"Did you find out today?" I shook my head.

"No it was a few days ago." He looked at me confused.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I looked away trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"I was scared you would be upset and not want to get married to me anymore." He grabbed my hand.

"Look at me Ellie." I turned my face to look at Louis.

"I love you. And I want to get married to you no matter what happens." He gave me a comforting smile.

"Thank you Louis. I love you." I wrapped my arms around his waisted resting my head on his chest. He tightened his grip around me pulling me close to him.

Lydia's POV.

 I looked at my phone as it rang to find Ellie was calling me.

 "Hey Ellie. What's up?"

"I wanted to let you know that Niall is getting out of the hospital tomorrow." I haven't seen Niall in over a week. I've been staying with Harry this whole time. I don't even know what's going on between me and Niall cause we technically didn't even break up.

"Oh. That's great." I answered.

"Niall told me he hasn't seen you. Did something happen between you two?" She asked me.

"I told him about me and Harry." There was a pause before Ellie finally said something.

"What did he say?" I thought back to when I told Niall how I had been cheating on him.

"I ran out before he could say anything." I was glad I had someone to talk to about all of this.

"Oh has Harry talked to Niall since you told him?"

"No he thinks that Niall hates him. I really hope he doesn't though. I would hate to be the one that gets in between their friendship." I hate the thought of ruining Harry and Niall's friendship. It makes me feel so guilty.

"They'll be okay. They've always been able to get through everything. They might fight but that's all." I felt comfort from Ellie's words.

"Can I come over?" Ellie asked me.

"Yeah sure"

"Okay cause I really want to talk to you in person rather than over the phone. I didn't know there would be so much to talk about." She laughed.

"Yeah just come over right now" I tell her.

"Okay wait are you at Harry's?" She questioned.

"Yeah I pretty much live here now." Ellie laughed at my comment.

"Alright Lyd, I'll see you soon."


"So are you and Niall still together?" Ellie asked me.

We were sitting in Harry's living room. I was on the couch and Ellie was on the recliner across from me.

"I have no idea. I didn't break up with him and he didn't break up with me so I guess we are but it's still so confusing." I explain. Ellie raised her eyebrow at me.

"God Lyd, your life is so complicated right now. I'm surprised you haven't run away yet." She laughed and I joined.

"I don't even know what I'm going to do. Niall's going to be out of the hospital tomorrow. What if he comes to talk to me? I'm not ready for that." I'm happy that Niall is being released from the hospital but honestly I wish he would stay there for a little while longer to give me time to sort out everything.

"We'll you're going to have to talk to him sooner or later and it's better to get it over with." I nodded at Ellie in agreement.

"Do you think he's going to breakup with me?" I looked at Ellie.

"I'm not sure, but knowing how crazy he is about you he's probably going to use his charm and puppy dog eyes to make you choose him over Harry." I laughed at Ellie's statement.

"Lydia, when it comes to when you have to choose between Harry or Niall who are you going to choose?" I was caught off guard by Ellie's question, but didn't have to contemplate it. I knew exactly what my answer was. I already know who I would choose, but I wasn't ready to tell Ellie.

"I don't know." I lied. 

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