Chapter 32

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Whatever is going on between me and Harry right now is making me upset so I decided to go to Ellie's house to talk to her.

I knock on the door and the pretty brunette opens the door. When Ellie looks at me she looks angry and I get the feeling that she doesn't want to talk to me.

"Hey I need someone to talk to." I walk into the house.

"I don't want to talk to you." Ellie says, proving my assumption.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask her and she gives me the ugliest look.

"Niall told us what happened. You kissed him! Why the hell would you do that to Harry?" Ellie raises her voice at me.

"Niall kissed me..." I try to talk but Ellie interrupts me.

"But you kissed him back. You know Lydia, I was such a fool before not to notice that you're nothing but a slut. A heartless cheating slut, that's what you are." As the words come out of Ellie's mouth my heart starts to hurt. I can't believe she's saying such mean things to me.

"Ellie.." I want to say something but she won't let me.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear what you have to say because it's going to either be a lie or bullshit so just shut your mouth. Niall told me about Parker. You cheated on him with Niall then you cheated on Niall with Harry and now you're cheating on Harry with Niall. When do you ever stop? You are literally the definition of a cheater. Ever since you became part of our group of friends you have done nothing but ruin it. Niall and Harry despise each other, Niall has been hurt by you, and now Harry is heartbroken because of you. It's all your fault." Ellie points a firm finger at me.

She stops talking and I finally get a chance to say something. "I'm sorry Ellie. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Please just tell me what you want me to do." I look at Ellie with desperation in my face.

"Stay away. Don't come near Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn, me or any of us. Just stay away." The thought of being away from all my friends that I have become close within the past few months tears my heart open but I know Ellie's right.

"Okay, I'll stay away." I turn away from Ellie and walk back to my car. By the time I drive away my face is stained with tears. My vision becomes blurred from the tears and I can hardly see the road. I pull over and lay my head on the steering wheel. "What have I done?" I say to myself in barley a whisper as the tears pour from my eyes.


I've been staying away from everyone since I talked to Ellie. I have gotten many calls from Niall and Harry but I ignore them. I need to stay away. Before the incident with me and Niall I was supposed to go to California with Harry to see my family. I need to call my mom and ask her if I can come.

I grab my phone and sit on the couch while going through my contacts to find my mom's number.

"Hello?" I hear the sweet voice.

"Mom, it's Lydia." I tell my mom.

"Lydia! How are you?" I can hear the excitement in her voice.

"Great. I wanted to know if I could come out there and see the family." I wait for her to say something.

"Of course you can. We would love for you to come. You're going to have to tell me everything about Atlanta." A smile appears on my face at the thought of finally being able to talk to my mom again.

"Okay I will. I'll probably leave on Friday. I'll call you tomorrow to let you know. Bye mom." I hangup and set my phone on the table next to the couch. Going to California will be good for me. I can get away from this place and get my mind off of things. I also miss my family and I need to see them.

Niall's POV.

Lydia hasn't been hanging out with anyone lately. I've called her many times but she never answers. I think something is going on but I have no idea what it is. I thought about going to her house but I don't want to bother her. I should just go ask Ellie. She's the closest one to Lydia.


When Ellie opens the door I quickly walk into the house.

"Louis is at Zayn's house." Ellie tells me.

"I came here to talk to you."

She raises her eyebrow at me and crosses her arms. "What do you want to talk to me about?" Her attitude clear in her voice.

"Have you noticed that Lydia hasn't been around our group lately?" Ellie uncrosses her arms and breaks eye contact with me.

"Kind of." She bites her lip as she looks at me.

"I think something happened. Do you know of anything that would make her stop talking to everyone?" I ask her and wait for an answer. Ellie looks around the room but doesn't answer me. "Ellie... Do you know something?" I look into her eyes and a frown forms on her face.

"We talked, me and Lydia. Harry was mad at her and would barely talk to her so she came to talk to me. She said she was going to stay away because she doesn't want to hurt you or Harry anymore." Ellie tells me.

I leave the house and drive to Lydia's but when I get there she isn't there.

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