Chapter 25

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Niall's POV.

I'm going to Lydia's house to take her some chicken soup and ginger ale. She said she's sick so I feel like I should at least check on her even though she told me not to. I don't think she would mind me coming though.

I pull up to Lyd's house but her car isn't in the driveway. Maybe she parked in the garage. I walk up to the house and knock on the door but there is no answer. I get back in my car and drive away. As I drive home I can't stop myself before turning onto Harry's street. I know she wouldn't go behind my back and see him but I couldn't control my curiosity. Once I get to Harry's my heart sinks.

Her car is in the driveway. Why is my girlfriend at Harry's house? Why would she betray me like this? I open the car door, stepping out and slamming it behind me. I run up the steps to the large brick house and start banging on the door.

Lydia's POV.

Me and Harry both quickly look up when we hear the banging at the door.

"Who is that?" I ask Harry.

"I have no idea."

The banging gets louder.

"Open this door right now Harry!" Harry looks at me and my eyes almost pop out of my head when I hear Niall's voice.

"Oh shit. Go hide." Harry demands me.

"What no!" He looks at me frustrated. He turns away and opens the door to let Niall in.

"What the hell is she doing here!" Niall yells at Harry while pointing at me.

"Niall calm down." Niall looks at Harry with wild eyes.

"Don't tell me to calm down! My girlfriend is at your house after I told her to stay away from you." His eyes move around Harry to look at me.

"You lied to me. You are a bitch! A cold hearted lying bitch!" He threw his words at me.

"Niall..." I tried to speak.

"No Lydia, shut up! Just shut up! I'm tired of you going behind my back and cheating on me with him! I'm done with you. Done! Me and you are over! I never want to see you or speak to you ever again." Niall sharply says then turns to walk out the door.

I stood there frozen. Before I knew it I was crying. Harry walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me in comfort. He tightened his grip around me when my tears started pouring from my eyes. I cried into Harry's shirt as he held me.

Harry's POV.

Lydia locked herself in my room and has been in there there for the past two days. She occasionally comes out for food or to go to the bathroom.

I've tried to get her to talk but she won't. I don't know why she's so upset about Niall breaking up with her. I thought this is what she wanted. To be free from him so she could be with me.

I think she just needs some time to let everything sink in and she'll be fine. I just hope she will be okay soon. I hate hearing her cry. I hate the fact that she's crying at all. I want to go in there and comfort her but I know she'll just tell me to go away.

Whenever she comes out of the room and we eat together I try to talk to her but she doesn't say anything back. She just sits there and nods her head. I've been sleeping on the couch and I'm okay with that.

Lydia needs to do whatever she can do to get through this. That's all I want for her. I want her to get through this. I want to see her smile. I want her to talk to me again but most importantly I want her to be happy.

Lydia's POV.

I've been crying into Harry's pillow for almost an hour when he knocks on the bedroom door.

"Lydia, I made dinner. Just come down when you're ready to eat." Harry says behind the door. I wipe the tears from my eyes then quickly go downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen to find Harry setting two plates of chicken on the table. He turns around to look at me. He smiles at me then sits down at the table. He motions for me to sit down.

"I talked to Louis yesterday. Him and Ellie told everyone about them getting married." Harry looks at me. I nod my head and take in a mouthful of chicken. His face falls when I don't say anything to him.

I feel bad for not talking I him but I can't. I've tried to speak but nothing comes out. I don't even know why I'm acting like this. Isn't this what I wanted? I'm not with Niall anymore so it's perfectly fine for me to be with Harry. I think I'm just in shock that he actually broke up with me. I didn't see it coming. I want to be okay. I really want to be able to talk to Harry again. I miss him. I know he's here with me but it's almost like we're so far away from each other.

I finish my food then put my plate in the sink.

"Lyd..." Harry stops me before I walk back upstairs. I turn around to look at him. He takes a few steps closer to me. He opens his mouth about to say something but nothing comes out. He moves his hand up to my cheek then slowly leans his head down to place a soft kiss on my lips. Before he can walk away. I wrap my arms around his torso pulling him close. I press my lips against his and tears start to fall from my eyes.

"I'm so sorry." I say against Harry's lips as the tears come faster.

"It's okay baby." Harry pulls away and pushes my hair behind my ears while looking into my eyes.

"It's okay." A smile curves on his lips as he looks at me.

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