chapter 42

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 I stay beside Harry as we walk through the antique store. My mother told me that Candice has an obsession with antique necklaces. I look at the jewelry through the glass case and find a long silver necklace. The charm at the end of the chain has engraved designs and a light blue stone in the middle.

"That's the one." I point at the necklace through the glass and look at Harry. He leans towards the glass to get a better look at the necklace. "Yeah, that one is pretty." He smiles at me.

"Excuse me, I would like to buy this necklace." I tell the lady behind the counter. She opens the case and pulls out the necklace, placing it on top of the glass. She places the necklace inside of a small red gift bag with white tissue paper. I hand her the amount of money asked and grab the gift from the counter. I walk out of the antique store with the gift bag in one hand and Harry's hand laced in the other.


 "This is probably the most entertaining party I have ever been to." Harry tells me and laughs. I slap his arm and scowl at him.

My sister came home drunk and is humiliating herself in front of everyone. She has been going around to the people at the party and telling them completely random and rude things. Just a few minutes ago she was on top of the table dancing, and there isn't even any music. Kyle has been trying to sober her up and get her to calm down. My mom is embarrassed at Candice's behavior and could break out in tears any minute. Most of the people at this party are giving Candice dirty looks and whispering rude things to each other. The rest are laughing at her as she stumbles through the house and giggles at everything.

"Lydia can you please do something about your sister or occupy the guests? This is a disaster and I just don't want this party to end terribly." My mother pleads.

"Yes, of course."

Harry follows me as I walk over to my sister and her boyfriend. "We need to take her up to her room." I tell Kyle.

"I already tried. She won't let me."

 "Well then I guess we are going to have to drag her up there." Harry and Kyle look at me like I am crazy. "Stop staring at me. Grab her and let's go." Kyle grabs Candice's arm and pulls her towards the stairs. He tries to pull her up the stairs, but she grabs onto the railing. I try to help Kyle get her up the stairs but she will not cooperate.

"Here. Grab her arms." Harry tells Kyle. Kyle grabs Candice's arms and Harry grabs her legs pulling her up. She wiggles around in their grip as they carry her up the stairs and into the bedroom.

"I'm going to stay in here with her. Go downstairs and stall the guests." I tell Harry and Kyle and they walk out of the room, closing the door behind them.


 "Lydia." A pillow is thrown at my head.

I sit up in the bed and look at my sister. "What?" I look around the room. I had fallen asleep on the bed with Candice and the guys were asleep on the ground.

"Why is everyone in my room?" Candice asks me.

"You were drunk so we brought you up here." I tell her.

She puts her face in her hands. "Please tell me my party wasn't last night." She lifts her head out of her hands. I give her a sympathetic look. "Oh no. How bad was it?" She asks.

"Uhm well let's just say everyone knew that you were drunk."

 "My head hurts like hell. I need to take something." She gets up from the bed and leaves the room.

I climb off the bed and walk over to where Harry is sleeping on the floor. I lightly kick his side, but he doesn't wake up. He just groans and turns over. I lay down next to him and hold myself up to where my face is above his. "Harry." I say loudly for him to wake up. He quickly wakes up and bumps his head into mine. Harry puts his hand against his head and moans in pain. "What the hell Lyd." He looks over at me. "I didn't know you were going to react like that. Ouch, your head is hard." I copy Harry and put my hand on my head. "Your head isn't too soft either." I laugh and he joins me.

"Where is Candice?" Harry asks me. "Downstairs getting medicine for her hangover." I look over at Kyle who is still asleep. I don't even know how he is still sleeping. Me and Harry are speaking pretty loud.

"Did you tell her about last night?" I focus my attention back to Harry. "Yeah, she didn't seem too embarrassed, so she will be okay." I tell him.

  After Harry gets in the shower I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. Candice is sitting at the table with a glass of water in front of her. "You feeling any better?" I sit down in the chair across from her. "No my head is killing me." She rubs her temples with her fingers.

"Well, happy birthday." I tell her and she gives me a weak smile.

"It is my birthday isn't it?" She grabs the glass of water from the table and takes a sip of it.

"Yeah, it is." I slide the red gift bag towards her. "What is this?" She asks me and grabs the bag. "Just a birthday present I got you." She takes the tissue paper out of the bag and pulls out the silver necklace. "Oh my god, Lydia. This is beautiful." She lifts the necklace up in front of her and smiles at it. "Thank you so much. I love it." She smiles at me.

"No problem. I'm glad you like it. What are you planning on doing today?" I ask her.

"Kyle was going to take me out to dinner tonight." She answers me and takes another sip of her water.

"Well I am taking you to breakfast, so get dressed." I tell her and she smiles. "Okay, this is exciting. You are literally the best sister." Candice hugs me then leaves the kitchen to get ready.

 When I walk through the hallway towards my old bedroom Kyle is standing outside of my sister's door. "Hey there future sister in law." He says which makes me stop in my tracks. Did he just say sister in law?

"Future sister in law?" I look at him with confusion.

"Yeah, I am marrying your sister." He smiles at me.

I walk away from him and into my old bedroom. Why wouldn't Candice tell me that her and Kyle are engaged.

When I look up Harry is pulling a black tshirt over his head. He looks over at me and smiles. "Hey baby, what are we doing today?"

 "I am actually taking Candice to breakfast." I tell him.

"I'm guessing that doesn't include me." I give him a look proving his statement right. "What, Lyd. Don't leave me here alone." He gives me a sad puppy dog look.

"It will only be for about an hour. Just hangout with Kyle." Harry looks at me like I'm crazy. "I am not hanging out with your sister's boyfriend." He picks up the dirty clothes from the floor and shoves them into his bag.

"Okay then stay in here. I don't care."

He falls back onto the bed. "Ugh, Lyd you make me frustrated sometimes." I laugh at him then I walk into the bathroom to take a quick shower with what Kyle said still fresh in my mind. 

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