Chapter 36

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The familiar feel of Harry's arms around me when I wake up makes me smile to myself. I turn over to look at him and he is still asleep. I slowly pull the covers away from my body and quietly walk out of the bedroom. When I get downstairs I lay on the couch and turn on the tv. As I am falling asleep I hear Harry's footsteps come down the stairs. I sit up and turn around to look at him.

He combs his hair back with his fingers and walks over to sit next to me. "Good morning Lyd." Harry lays his head on my shoulder and looks up at me. "Zayn woke me up. He called to tell me he's having a party tonight at his house. Do you want to go?" I can't help but think of the last party I went to. I kissed Niall and it almost ruined my relationship with Harry. I can't hide myself from everyone anymore though.

"Uh yeah sure." Harry smiles places a kiss on my lips.

"We need to make sure to keep those drinks away from you though. We both know how you get when you drink." Harry laughs and my cheeks flush from the mention of my behavior when I drink.

"Yeah..." I give him a weak smile.

Harry looks at me and his smile disappears. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing." I lie.

"Lydia." He looks me in the eyes.

"It's just what happened at the last party we went to." I look away from him.

"Lydia that's in the past. Don't worry about it." Harry says and buries his face in my neck.


When we walk into Zayn's house there are a lot of people and the music is blasting as usual. Harry grabs my wrist and pulls me through the crowd.

"Lydia! Harry!" I hear Niall's voice call our names. We both turn our heads to see him coming towards us. He has a red cup in each of his hands filled with who knows what. "Here, I got you a drink." Niall hands me one of the cups.

Harry takes the drink from my hand and scowls at Niall. "She won't be drinking tonight." He spits at Niall and gives the drink to the guy standing next to him. Harry puts his hand on my back and pushes me to walk. I stop myself and turn around.

"What the hell was that?" I look up at him.

"Niall got you drunk last time and we both no what happened after that." He looks dead into my eyes. "I am not going to let that happen again." He says. I don't say anything and his features soften. "Let's go find Zayn and Liam." He walks away and I follow him through the crowd.

As we walk through the people a girl bumps into me and spills her drink. "Watch where you're going!" She yells at me and her voice makes my blood boil. I turn around to look at Ellie and I can tell she is angry as she cleans the spilt drink out of her dress. When she looks at me her jaw clenches. "Look who it is. The girl that everyone seems to be so obsessed with. Why is that exactly?" Ellie takes a few steps closer towards me. I just stand there not knowing what to say. "You throw yourself at every guy that comes to you. Don't you think that's just a little pathetic?" She smirks at me. Everyone around us is watching as Ellie taunts me.

"Ellie please don't do this right now." I say trying to calm her down.

"I have a better idea. How about you tell everyone why you are such a slut because that is what you are."

Anger immediately rises in me and I snap. "Says the girl that got knocked up." I blurt and a few gasps are heard.

"How dare you say that." Ellie's voice is shaky.

"How dare you call me a slut. You have no right to say such rude things to me. I have done nothing to you but you hate me for god knows what reason!" I raise my voice at her.

"You know exactly what you did!" Ellie yells at me.

"What is going on here?" Louis pushes past people towards me and Ellie.

Ellie turns to look at him. "Nothing baby don't worry about it." She walks over to him and attaches herself to his torso.

"Stop lying to him." Niall comes out from behind Louis.

Ellie glares at Niall he stands in front of her and Louis. "Shut up Niall." She says through her teeth. Niall shakes his head at her and looks at Louis.

"Ellie made Lydia leave. She told her to stay away from everyone and said cruel things to her."

Louis looks at Ellie. "Is this true?" He asks her but she stays silent. "Ellie, why would you do that?" I can see the hurt in his eyes.

"She was breaking the group apart." Ellie's eyes are becoming watery and I can tell she is on the verge of crying. "

You are obviously not who I thought you were. I can't marry someone who I don't even know. Don't bother coming home." Louis says and walks away from Ellie into the crowd of people.

My heart hurts for Ellie as I look at her watch Louis walk away. "Ellie." I walk towards her but she holds out her hand to stop me from coming closer. Tears fall down her face when she looks at me.

"Don't ever speak to me again." I watch her as she runs into the crowd. This is all my fault. She was just trying to keep her friends from getting hurt. Louis just cancelled their engagement. Ellie was right. I have ruined this group.

Harry's hand lays on my back as I stand there in silence. "I think we should leave." He suggests.

"This is all my fault." I say. My heart is beating at a rapid pace and I'm starting to feel faint.

"What is?" Harry asks me.

"Louis broke up with Ellie because of me, Harry." I turn to look at him. The music is blaring through the house, making my head hurt. It's too loud in here and my heart is pounding out of my chest.

"No he didn't Lyd. He broke up with her because she's a bitch." The room we are in is getting hotter by the second and I am sweating. Harry grabs my shoulders and looks at me. "Lydia are you okay? You don't look too good. Come here I'm going to take you upstairs to a room." He holds out his arms and picks me up. His steps are slow and steady as he carries me up the stairs. Once Harry finds a room that isn't occupied he lays me on the bed. "Do you want the blanket over you?" He asks me.

"No, it's too hot." I tell him and he nods his head. Harry lays down on the bed next to me.

I turn my head to look at him and he smiles. "I'm sorry about what happened Lydi. I never knew Ellie was like that." He apologizes and moves closer to me.

"There is no need for you to be sorry."

He gives me a weak smile and pushes my hair back behind my ear. "I love you." He looks into my eyes.

"I love you too." I lay my head on Harry's chest and wrap my arms around his torso pulling him close.

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