Chapter 3

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Hurt me with the truth
but never 
comfort me with a lie


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Kailee scrunches her nose as she smells a disgusting smell coming from... From where is it coming?

She opens her eyes and looks around, not recognizing the place. Quickly sitting up, she looked around again for any sign of something she might recognize. After searching frantically, she slumped when she found nothing.

Not too long after she slumped back, a dark skinned woman came in view. "Good, you're awake. Child, we need to talk."

"You're Ayanna!" She realised, noticing how she resembled a lot to the drawing of the woman in a book she read. "My father named my half sister after you."

"That is kind." She said before sitting down. "Now come, child. I am sure you are full of questions."

"Quite. You lived a thousand years agon how are you here? Or better yet, how am I here?" She asked, joining the witch at the make shift table.

"Yesterday, in your time, the spirits granted you your wish." Ayanna started.

"My wish?" Kailee repeated confused, not knowing what the witch was talking about. "I didn't make a wish."

"The Rebekah from your time told you she wished you'd be happy..."

"I answered I hoped for the same." She continued. "That is what the spirits granted me? A chance at happiness?"

"Yes, you have travelled back in time because you did not destroy the artefact you were given. Had you done so, you wouldn't have been here."

"I'm 1000 years in the past?" Kailee asked.

"Yes, you are Kailee Henderson and you're from three villages over. Your parents have abandoned you, sending you to me. You are my new ward. I'll teach you everything you need to know about this time and the labour work. I yo-"

"How does it work?" She interrupted. "You said I travelled back 1000 years. If that is right, Rebekah and her family lives here. Rebekah is my friend in my time, how will it work?"

"You will create new memories. They will recieve them but I have no idea how or when but they will recieve them. Spirits were not informative in that." Ayanna informed the younger woman. "Now, come with me. I will show you around the village."

Two weeks Kailee managed to avoid Rebekah and her family. Ayanna had been over for dinner with them twice but Kailee declined the offer to join her always stating she wasn't used to the mannerism of everything in their time yet.

She was sitting by the lake, washing her clothes and Ayanna's on a rather sunny day two weeks her after her arrival. She was humming to herself, thinking how much she had shared with Ayanna and how she had always spoken to the other villagers she had met, even stood up to Tatia.

"Hello?" A male voice behind her asked.

Turning around, Kailee smiled at the man behind her. "Hello."

"I presume you are Kailee?" He asked, sitting next to her.

She nodded. "Yes, I am. You are one of the Mikealson children."

"I am. I am the second oldest, Elijah. How come I haven't seen you at any of our suppers with Ayanna?"

"I m still getting used to the village. I also didn't want to impose. You invited Ayanna, not me."

"You live with Ayanna, therefore you are invited when we invite her." He explained. 

She nodded slowly. "Thank you but it would feel wrong, it's a moral of sorts. I am sorry if I offended you in any way by not coming with Ayanna, my sincere apologies." 

"We are not offended, mother is just worried. She believes you believed the tales that were told about my family." 

"Which one because I've heard quite a few." She decided to tease him. "I've heard about you being barbaric. I've heard you being with the same woman as your brother, but that one I actually know is true. Don't look at me like that, I am not judging in any way." 

"Father says I need to break off my commitment with her." He confessed. 

With furrowed brows, Kailee decided to question him. "Why?" 

"She has a child out of wedlock, as you may know. We have not waited for marriage for being intimate and she is a disgrace but she is nice to me and I can see myself loving her." Elijah explained. 

"You don't love her yet?" She knew from the tale Rebekah told her, her brother was absolutely smitten with her. 

"No, I've only been courting her for a little over a full month. I only started to court her because we had been intimate but now... now I can see myself being her husband and loving her. One day." He chuckled humorlessly. "I'm sorry, I should not be bothering you with this." 

"Oh, no! I don't mind, I rather listen than talk." Kailee said. "I hardly talked where I came from, I only talked to those I trusted." 

"And here..." 

"Here I talk freely. I don't have to look over my shoulder here and be afraid that my father finds out I am talking to certain people." Kailee shrugged. 

He turned towards her. "What do you mean?" 

"My father, he is not my real father. My mother had an affair which resulted in me. I have been abused by him for years, it's one of my first memories of him actually. Finally, three years ago I was let go. I was still 15 but would turn 16 and now I'm the one sharing information I didn't want to be bothering you with." 

"No! Please! Tell me more, I'd like to know you better." Elijah urged. "I'll even help with your chore." 

"You don't have to do that." Kailee said but sat down next to her anyway. "Like I said, I've been abused for nearly all my life... I used to be able to hide my scars and bruises with my hair but he had my mother cut it all off years ago and threatened that if I would hide the fact that I was a bastard child that was being disciplined again, he would have a witch keep me bold for the rest of my life. I didn't want that, so I kept my hair up all the time." She touched her hair that was up lightly. "I still do." 

"Well then, let's let your hair loose than, come on." He sat behind her and got the ribbon that tied her hair together out of her hair, freeing it from it's confines. Sitting back down next to her, she smiled at him. "You look lovely with your hair free." 

"Thank you." She said, blushing from the compliment as she looked down. 

He smiled back as he looked lost in thought. 





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