Chapter 11

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It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time others waste

~Henry Ford~

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Kailee woke up with a groan and looked around, finding herself to be in her apartment. Next to her was her son, on his left was her daughter and on her other side was Henrik.

Sitting up, she looked around more and sighed when she saw nothing out of place. When she saw the date, she gasped. It was exactly three weeks after she left. 21 days in the present gone by and 21 years in the past so for each day that passed in the present, a year passed in past.

Did they miss her?

Who would miss her? No-

"Rebekah!" She gasped before scurrying out of bed.

She got ready and waited for the rest to wake up. First to wake up was Henrik. She smiled as she gave him coffee and his talisman.

On her dinner table were four necklaces with talismen and each had a pentagram with different color stone on them. Hers had a dark blue stone in the middle of the pentagram with lighter blue stones in the circle around them, she knew it was hers because blue was the color of water, something she could handle the best.

She knew Henrik would be the one with red stones because it was the color of fire, the first element he could handle.

Purple would be the color of air, she knew it would be for Lysa as she could create a very powerful wind, it was the very first thing she could do.

Alexander's had black stones, which she guessed would represent earth. He had the strongest connection to earth and would be only logical that he would get that.

She handed him a stack of clothes with it. "I know it will be weird in the beginning and uncomfortable, but you'll get used to this time. I got used to yours and you won't be alone. You will have me, like I had Ayanna. These clothes are from my half-brother, they should fit."

"Thank you." He smiled and looked around as he took in all the things in her room. "Do I have to change here or-"

"In there is a bathroom." She said, pointing at the door. "You can change there. I'll wait here for them to wake up. If you want, I'll prepare breakfast but when you're done, return here."

He nodded. "Yes, of course."

While Henrik was in the bathroom, Alexander and Lysa both woke up. "Good morning. Here are your clothes and your talisman."

"These are-" Lysa started but stopped and sighed. "Right, new time. This will need time to get used to."

"Yeah." Her brother agreed.

Their mother smiled sadly at them and kissed them both on their heads. "I know this will be hard but I already told uncle Henrik that I would be with you through it all. And you will have the rest of them as well, soon."

"Yes,-" Henrik's voice sounded from the door. "-we'll go through this, always and forever. Don't forget that."

"Always and forever." Kailee repeated, Lysa and Alexander repeating together.

"Lysa get ready in that bathroom." She ordered, pointing at one door before pointing at another door and looking at her son. "You get ready there."

"Yes, mother."

They both left and Kailee went to Henrik's side.

She pulled his blazer right as she looked in his eyes. "Henrik, I don't want you to worry about anything. Know that I will be by your side at all times but I do have school so I'll be gone for a few hours every day, okay?"

Reunited (Elijah Mikealson fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora