Chapter 14

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It is never too late to do things differently. 


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Both turned around to see Niklaus Mikealson, Hybrid extraoridinaire, standing behind them with his arms behind his back, watching them with a smirk plastered on his face.  

"I think you're confusing me with someone else, sir." Henrik said, obviously having recovered first. "I'm Rik, Kailee's cousin. Not Henrik." 

"It's possible, he is Rebekah's brother. Henrik was their little brother, from what I heard they were qui-" 

"Don't play games with me, dear sister." Niklaus interrupted her. "I saw you two together and images were shown, images too true not to be real. They were memories, of your time in my human time. I know who you are, Kailee. I know who you are, Henrik. Do not pretend... not with me." 

"Niklaus." She sighed before hugging him tight. "God, I have missed you." 

"As I you." He said, pulling back. "If you don't mind?" 

"Of course not." She said. "Henrik, I'll be in the car. Come to me when you two are done. I drive a Dacia." 

The last of her statement was directed at Niklaus, who nodded in a show of aknowledgement. "I will walk him to you safely. You have my word." 

"Good." She said, passing him with a kiss to his cheek. "I'm glad I have you back."

"I am as well." He said. She walked further but was stopped by him. "Oh, Kailee? I couldn't help but overhear you and my brother are attending homecoming? Make sure you wear something fit for a funeral." 


"Mikeal? He's daggered... the little döppelganger did it. Homecoming is now his funeral, dress accordingly?" 

"Of course." She said, thinking it odd that a human döppelganger was able to dagger a vampire who feeds off of vampires. How did she do it? 

The entire time she sat in a car outside of the Grill, she was contemplating how Elena could achieve something like that. Something wasn't right about the whole situation but she couldn't exactly tell anyone because she didn't know anything and she couldn't prove it. 

In the end, she did decide to warn Niklaus though. 

When Niklaus walked Henrik to Kailee's car, the brunette got out and walked to the pair. "Nik, I want to warn you." 

"About what?" 

"I don't know, Elena daggering your father... how did she manage to do that? You father hunts vampires... who knows what he's capable of? I don't know what is going on but something is and I don't like it." 

"How do y-" 

"No, I'm not working with them. I don't like Elena and Elena doesn't like me, I just feel something's wrong so could you please be careful tonight?" 

"Yeah, Nik. Kailee's right. I don't know Elena but a human daggering father... can you actually believe that?" 

Both their words had reached him and he decided to think it over. With a frown on his look, he remembered Rebekah telling him their father was daggered but could he really trust his sister? 

He wanted to but he had been betrayed before by her, she could do it again. 

"Rebekah told me it was real." 

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