Chapter 27

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You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.


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Kailee softly opened the door to her apartment, trying not to notify anyone in her apartment of her arrival as she and Elijah wanted it to be a surprise for everyone.

While Elijah waited in the hallway, Kailee walked through the kitchen to the living room, where everyone was.

"Hey, Kailee." Her siblings greeted her.

"Kailee, hi." Caroline said surprised. "We didn't expect you here so early. Is something wrong?"

"Of course something's wrong, love." Niklaus breathed from his place next to her. "I got a message from my sister nearly an hour ago saying that Kailee stormed out of the house after she saw Elijah blatantly flirting with the latest Döppelganger."

"Hey!" Came her husbands voice before he flashed to the living room. "I was not flirting with her! I just let her flirt with me."

"What about 'lovely Elena'?" Kailee asked, raising her eyebrows. "Don't say you call everyone lovely because you don't. You barely even call Caroline by her first name."

"That'd be because we never met." Caroline cut her off but raised her hands as she received a glare from the oldest girl. "Sorry."

"Well, dear,-" He started, wrapping his arms around his wife's waist. "-Mi -Caroline is right."

"Yeah, yeah." She looked around and noticed four missing faces. "Okay, where's Henrik, my children and Ayanna?"

"They went to grab something to eat in the Grill. None of us could cook so that seemed like the best idea." Björn said, standing up. "You're Elijah, right?"

"I am. You are Björn." Elijah said, pointing at his brother-in-law. "It's nice to meet you."

"Pleasure is all mine." Her brother said, taking the hand Elijah held out for him. "I've heard a lot about you."

"As have I."

"I don't care if you're an Original or not, I will find a white oak stake if you ever hurt my sister." He threatened before a smile grew on his face. "Welcome to the family. I may be her only brother but trust me, you don't want to mess with Ayana."

"Not to forget me and Henrik. Maybe even Kol." Niklaus commented, raising a brow when his brother glared at him. "What? She's our sister, deal with it. You can hold your own against us and while I'm sure lovely Kailee can as well, she needs brothers in her life. Me in her life."

The door opened with a lot of noise and the two parents smiled at each other.

"Is Kailee already back? I saw her car in the parking lot." Henrik called out. "'Cause if you are, Kails, I don't have food for you."

Kailee cocked her head to the side, looking at Elijah and inviting him to say something. "What about me, brother? Do I get food?"

A loud crash was heard before Henrik and their children flashed to the living room. They stopped right in front of Elijah while Ayanna came from the kitchen at human speed.

"That's going to take some time to get used to." She admitted.

"Father!" Kailee's daughter breathed before wrapping her arms around him. "You remember!"

"I remember." He said, wrapping her in his arms. "I'm back, dear."

"Father." Alex stumbled over the word, looking at the man with wide eyes. "You- how? How is it possible?"

"I- well, I saw your mothers wedding ring." He answered. "Why don't we all sit down and talk about this, I'm sure there's a lot to be discussed."

"Like how Mom is sending us to school next year? Yeah, I know. So much to talk about." Lysa muttered, smiling sweetly at her mother.

"It's not discusable, Lysa. You and your brother will go to college with me whether you like it or not. No use into going to your father and complaining with him." She shot a sharp look to her husband. "He has nothing to do with this, he doesn't have anything to say about this."

"Excuse you?" He asked, looking at Kailee. "These are my children as well."

"Too bad you don't get a say in this." She sighed and looked at Niklaus. "Nik, help me out here."

"Yeah, no. I'm staying out of this one." He said, returning his attention to the blonde next to him.

"Thanks. Real help I get from you."

"No problem, love." He said with a smirk.

"Go back to Caroline, Nik. If you're of no use to me I might as well get rid of you." Turning to Elijah, I looked in his eyes. "Education is important, Elijah. It was taken from me on more than one occasion, I know the importance of it, I want my children to have it as well. So yes, I'm sending my children- our children- to college."

"My lovely Kailee, I support your choice fully. I want our children to have a great education as well but I do not enjoy you saying I have no say in this. These are my children as well, Kailee. I do have a say in the matter."

"Elijah." She smiled sweetly before pressing his head into the table. "I advise you not to tell me what you do and don't have a say in. If I say you don't have a say in it, you don't have a say in it. Got it?"

"Loud and clear." He grunted before snapping out of her hold and pushing her up against the wall next to her bedroom door. "But these are my children as well and this is their life so whether or not I agree with your choices I do have a say in it. I am their father and I do have a say in it. Is that clear?"

"Crystal." She groaned. She took his wrist in her hands and twisted the skin, making him take it back with a snap.

From where Niklaus and Henrik sat with the rest, she heard someone mutter. "Don't bother. This is their form of foreplay."

She took the vase next to her and threw it in their direction. "Shut up!"

"Sorry Kailee."

"Now, love." Elijah muttered. "Anything else you want to share? Something else that involve-"

"We're having a child." She cut him off.

He looked down at her flat stomach. "How?"

"I'm not pregnant. Mother is. She's giving me her child."

He raised a brow. "Willingly, I presume?"

"You'd presume wrong." Niklaus commented. "She compelled her mother to do it."

Kailee pulled away and walked over to where he and Caroline were sitting. "Don't look at me like that, Elijah. It's what is best for that child. I am doing this to protect it, if I take in that child it will have a better chance at life than with her. I am doing this for the child."

"It doesn't mean that I agree with it."

"Well, you actually don't have a say in this." She said, turning to her brother in law and best friend.

Her husband scoffed in the background but didn't open his mouth anymore, knowing his wife wouldn't appreciate it and he didn't want to start their reunion with a fight about that though it wasn't something small but he wanted to start their new time peacefully.

"Well, brother, seems you have been told by your wife." Niklaus teased him. "What will you do about it?"

"I'm quite sure she knows what I will do, don't you, princess?"

Kailee's head snapped up, looking at her husband with wide eyes because while the others may not know what that meant she did.

If she wasn't an Original, she would die from teasing tonight.





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