Chapter 12

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That's the thing about pain
It demands to be felt

~John Green/ Hazel Grace Lancaster~

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The next morning, Kailee dressed in a black top with dark blue jeans, nude heels and a flashy yellow blazer walked in the Mystic Grill and immediately spotted Rebekah. She was sitting near the bar and was sat with a cup of coffee in front of her and another one on the other side of the table.

She smiled as she walked closer. "Is this seat taken?"

"No, I ordered your coffee as well. Is that okay?" The blonde asked as the other girl sat down.

Kailee shook her head. "No problem at all. I don't mind, thank you."

"You're welcome." The blonde smiled. "How are you?"

"I am... tired but fine. I spent so much time awake lately that I can hardly catch any sleep. You have no idea what it is like to watch your sister in a hospital bed, day in, day out, hooked onto machines, filled in a room with a beeping sound that assures you that she is alive but also scares you because you know it could fade at any moment and you could lose it."

"I'm sorry. These last days- weeks- must've been so hard for you." Rebekah said with genuine sympathy. "Is she coming here?"

"We're not sure. They're not sure. My siblings always hated their parents, my parents, but they never stood up against him because they would get beaten themselves and because I told them not to. Apparently father was trash talking me and Ayanna stoo-"

"What is your sister's name?"

"Ayanna. My mother chose it. Anyway, my sister stood up for me and father beat her for it. They were home alone but when my brother got home, he stopped father and got her to the hospital but not before he got lashes himself." She looked down, knowing the story was true.

After getting home from school, she checked her phone and found out what happened. She had made up the story in the beginning but soon found out she was not too far off from the truth.

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine. He fought back and got all of them in the hospital. They are coming here soon, maybe to live here or maybe to visit but they're coming." She smiled.

Rebekah gave her an assuring glance. "She'll be fine. He'll be fine. I'm sure of it. Why were you at school yesterday?"

"I have family at home now, not my siblings but we grew up together and we're as tight as family. I'm taking some time off from school so I dropped some subjects."

"Oh, well I'll miss you."

"I'm not stopping you from coming by. You're welcome any time, okay? Whenever you need to talk or just see me, you know where I live. Now, if we don't go to school, we'll be late."

After school, Kailee returned home with lunch for the other and walked into a calm apartment with her guests watching TV.

The day before she had thought them the major things like the TV, the radio, the microwave- although she wasn't going to let them cook anytime soon- and other stuff like that. She found they all enjoyed music greatly and TV, but mostly shows such as Supernatural, Teen Wolf, 2 Broke Girls, Reign as those were the only shows they had seen but they enjoyed them and she had put on a rerun of the last series on before she left and it seemed it still wasn't over.

"Hey." She greeted her children and brother in law.

"Hey." Henrik said as he stood up and joined his sister in the kitchen. "How was school?"

"Nah... Same as always." She answered before looking up. "But you don't know what that is. Uhm, school is boring but exciting as well. It is difficult to explain. You go to school to learn things, right? I explained this yesterday."

"Yes, I know but why does it make you feel two opposite feelings at once?"

"I am excited because I get to spend time with my best friend, your sister but at this moment, we're learning about vikings and how they 'possibly' found America. I was here, 1000 years ago, quite sure you guys found America. I'm bored because I already know what I learn, can you understand that?"

"Yes, I can. It's like magic classes. Mom would always make me repeat the same spells I already could from when I found out I had magic. I looked forward to the next class because I saw Kol do some cool spells and because I would spend those hours with him." He smiled sadly. "Have you seen my sister?"

"I have, I met up with her earlier. We talked about you during school." At his excited look, she had to let him down. "No, she doesn't know that you're alive but we were talking about you as a human. God, it was so clear that she still missed you."

"I miss her as well." He said.

With a sad smile, she looked through her bag. "Crap!"

"What? What is it?"

"I forgot my phone at school." She started walking to the door before turning back to Henrik. "You're adapting best, maybe you'd like to come outside with me? Come to school with me?"

"I'd love that."

In the car, on their way to school, they were making up a story about who they were and who he was.

Just as bell sounded, they pulled up and walked through the hallways. Her locker was next to Rebekah's so she was quite sure that she would bump into her but hoped otherwise.

She was relieved when she wasn't there when she arrived but when she closed her locker door, she jumped back when Rebekah stood by her locker, looking at her and Henrik.

"What?" Henrik asked, feeling uncomfortable.

Rebekah squinted her eyes together. "You look exactly like my deceased little brother."





An outfit and a hairstyle!

An outfit and a hairstyle!

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Who else loves the Henrik/Kailee relationship? I do!

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Who else loves the Henrik/Kailee relationship? I do!

Reunited (Elijah Mikealson fanfiction)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara