Chapter 21

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Be yourself
Because an original is worth so much more than a copy


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Early in the morning, Kailee and Henrik came out of the hospital after visiting Ayanna late. After coming home angry from the dinner, she turned off her phone and asked Henrik if he would visit her sister with her to which he agreed. 

Sneaking in wasn't too hard and so they stayed the entire night until they finally had to return home. They spent the majority of it silent, and only spoke about the dinner a little while as it was not something she wanted to remember.

Coming out of the hospital in normal clothes instead of her fancy two piece dress, Kailee was shocked to see Rebekah holding Elena against her car by her throat. 

"Rebekah!" She called, trying to catch the blonde's attention. "Rebekah!"

"That won't work." Henrik said, taking a deep breath. "Back me up." 

They flashed to her but before they could get to her, Elijah had already pushed her off of the döppelganger. They stopped immediately and were concerned for her reaction. 

As soon as the blonde caught sight of the two, a small smile crossed her face. After telling Elijah he was pathetic, she winked at the two who still stood still. 

Elijah turned to Elena before catching sight of the two on the side. Turning, he saw Kailee an gasped as he saw a man who resembled to his brother Henrik, should he have gotten the chance to become older. 

"Stay here." He ordered Elena, who nodded frantically. He smoothly walked over to the pair and smiled but couldn't keep his eyes off Henrik. "Hello." 

"Hi, Elijah." She caught him staring at the man next to her. "Oh, this is Rik. He's visiting." 

"But I might stay permanently." He quickly added, holding out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Elijah."

"Pleasure's all mine." He blinked and looked at Kailee and Henrik both instead of at Henrik alone. "I'm sorry... it's just-"

"I look like your deceased brother. I know, Rebekah told me." Henrik dismissed. "It's okay. I can understand that to be a shock. I mean, it's not everyday you find a lookalike of him." 

"No, it's not." Elijah agreed. "I have to go but I wanted to apologize to you, Kailee. It was never mine nor Klaus' attention to anger you." 

"It's okay. Now, I believe you have a döppelganger to get to." She said and pushed past him.  

Later that day, as she emerged from her bedroom after having showered and dressed, a fancy envelope laid in front of her bedroom, probably laid down there by one of her housemates. 

Please join the 

Mikealson family

This evening at seven 

For dancing, cocktails and celebration. 

On the back of her invite, in neat, elegant handwriting was a message from Elijah for her. She smiled as she read it. 

Dear Kailee

Please save me a dance this evening. 


Reunited (Elijah Mikealson fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ