Chapter 6

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Whatever you decide to do
Make sure it makes you happy


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The day was finally here, she would be marrying the day she loved! 

She knew for sure she was in love with him when the two were out for a whole day and were out riding with horses. They spent the whole day in the meadow, doing lots of stuff. He thaught her how to defend herself with more than a sword, she was thaught that everything could be a weapon but aside from that, they also just laid down and stared at the sky while talking and she found herself talking and acting freely, something she hadn't done in a very long time. 

Looking at Ayanna, she smiled and went out with her and went to meet her future husband by the lake where they would be wed. They wanted a place that meant something to them and chose for the lake because that is where they met and where they got engaged and where they first said 'I love you'. 

She smiled as the man in front of her got wide eyed before a wide smile crossed his face as he looked her up and down. 

She stood in front of him quickly and took his hands he offered. Next to Elijah was Esther and next to Kailee stood Ayanna with ribbons in their hands. 

"Today, we are gathered here to witness the union of Kailee and Elijah. Today, these two will combine their lifes and souls together. If they are willing to do so, they will say 'I am willing'." 

"I am willing." Elijah said, Kailee quickly repeating the words. 

"Their hands will be tied together by several ties. These ties will have different colors, thus different meanings." He turned to Elijah and asked. "What is your name?" 

"Elijah Mikealson." 

"What do you want?" 

"To be joined to Kailee, whom I love." He answered, looking in her eyes. 

"Will you harm her?" 


"Will you care for her?" 


"Will you love her, freely and generously?" 

"Until my last breath." 

Turning to Kailee, he asked the same questions and she answered the same. 

"This first tie will be blue, symbolic of the element water. It shows your love will flow freely like water and be steadfast. Your union unbroken." He said, nodding at Esther who bound the first rope around their hands. 

"This second tie will be green, symbolic of the element earth, it shows your love will be wise and nurturing. Your union healing." He said, this time nodding at Ayanna who bound the second rope around their hands.  

"This third tie will be red and pink. The red tie shows your love is bright and passionate. Your union strong. The pink tie shows your love for each other. Your union complete." Esther stepped forward and bound their hands together with the two ropes. 

"Your last tie will be white, it shows your love is limitless and your union filled with spirit." He completed his speech. Everyone was silent, watching Ayanna tie the last rope around their hands. 

"Let us all celebrate this union of love." He added before stepping back, allowing the couple to turn to their family and friends. 

Later on, they were at the feast by the fire, enjoying each other's presence. 

"Are you happy, my lovely?" He asked her as they watched his family around the fire. 

She smiled up at him as he looked down at her. "I've never been more happy, 'Lijah. I am bound to the man I am in love with, what more could I ask?" 

"A child?" He asked. 

Her smile grew wider. "That would be a blessing indeed, but for now I'd rather be with you for a little while." 

"You and me? Alone? For a little while? I can not imagine what we would do together." He said teasingly. 

"I may have a few ideas. All of them involve you and me, together with very little clothes on." She suggested, rubbing herself closer to him before she pulled away and focused on the feast in front of her again. "Unles you'd rather not, of course." 

"You..." He started but trailed off, obviously not knowing what to say. "Do you think any one would notice if we sneaked away?" 

"I don't think so." She answered. "Why? Do you not want to celebrate our union anymore?"

"I would." Elijah assured her. "I'd just rather do it along with you." 

"Alone with me? Would we do what I suggested?" She asked, taking his hand and leading him away from the feast. "You, me and very, very little clothes?" 

"If any at all." Elijah continued, leading the way to their hut. Soon enough they stood in front of a brand new hut she had never seen before. 

Opening the door, he revealed the inside to her. It wasn't too big, just perfect for them. It had a small kitchen and sitting area and a door that she presumed to lead to their bedroom. 

"Our hut." He said, closing the door behind them. 

She smiled as she turned to her husband. 


It was something she didn't dream to have but here she was, married to one of the most handsome and gentlemanly men in the village and in her life. 

"It is perfect." She finally said, kissing his jaw. 

"It will suffice for now." Elijah settled for. "When we have children I'll have to add a room but for now it is just you and me." 

"I really do think it's perfect for us, 'Lijah." She looked up at him through her lashes. "Why don't you show me our bedroom?" 

"Well..." He said, picking her up. 

Giggling, she put her arms around her neck and wrapped her legs around his waist. With a big smile, she put her lips against his and kissed him passionately.

She felt him moving and before she knew it, she was laying down with him above her. Softly, she felt his hands go around her front to the laces that kept her dress together. She felt his hands pulling them apart before pulling them down, until it was underneath her breasts, all the while looking in her eyes to make sure she was okay with it. 

The rest of the night... The rest of the night was magical! 





This chapter will not be included in the restricted chapters book. I just didn't feel it. 


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