Chapter 7

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Be careful what you wish for,
the devil was once an angel


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Kailee and Rebekah met up at the lake to wash the clothes together.

She had been married to Elijah for small month now and was starting to feel unwell. She tried to keep it from Elijah because she didn't want to get his hopes up but did tell Rebekah and they agreed to go see her mother after their chores were done. 

"Come on, button." She adressed Rebekah. 

She had been calling Rebekah button because she had said something about a button nose, something she couldn't really remember but ever since then she's been calling the blonde button. 

"Kailee!" Rebekah whined. "I have more stuff to wash, you know." 

"I could help." Kailee offered, helping her wash the clothes. 

Working together, they were done pretty quickly and on their way to the big Mikealson hut. The married woman followed the younger girl as she called her mother. 

"Mother, could you check Kailee perhaps?" She suggested. 

"Why?" She asked, immadiately concerned. "Is there something wrong?" 

"I have been feeling unwell and I haven't bled yet, I should have a few days ago but it still has not come." She explained. "I was wondering if you could tell if I was with child?" 

"Come here. Lay down and put your hands beside you, don't touch your abdomen." 

Doing as instructed, Kailee lay down and watched as Esther put her hands above the young girl's abdomen and whispered a spell. 

Opening her eyes, Esther smiled as she looked down at Kailee. "Congratulations, dear. You are with child. If you visit Ayana, I'm quite certain she will tell you whether it is a boy or girl." 

Kailee sat upright and smiled. If her calculations were right, she still had a little over 2 years before they would be turned into vampires- Henrik would be 12 when he died and he only turned 10 now- and then she wondered if she'd be turned as well. She was part of the family, but Mikeal did not care for her much so it was still a question wheter he cared enough to make his wife turn her as well. 

"I'm going to be an aunt!" Rebekah exclaimed. 

"Yes, but keep it silent for now. Only you, me, your mother and soon Ayanna andElijah should know for now. The first three months are dangerous, I'd like to be sure I make it past that before I announce it." 

"That is a very wise choice, dear. Why don't you go and see Ayanna." Esther suggested.

"I will. Thank you, Esther." She said before leaving the hut. 

She quickly walked across the square and knocked on Ayanna's door. The woman opened the door with a smile. "You found out." 

"You knew." 

"I've known for two weeks now. You are carrying a boy." 

"A boy?" 

"Yes. A healthy one, I can see it in your aura." She explained. "When will you tell Elijah?" 

"I think this evening, when I see him." She shrugged. "I don't know how, but I'll find something." 

"I'm sure you will." Ayanna assured her. "I think you could just tell him and he'd be the happiest man alive." 

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