Chapter 4

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We were born to be real
not to be perfect


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Three weeks later, Kailee was well acquianted with the Mikealson family. After spending an entire afternoon with Elijah, she had accompanied Ayanna to supper at their hut, they made plans for them to come over to Ayanna's hut and have supper with them. 

Rebekah was her best friend and Niklaus as well. Rebekah because she was a girl and they both could talk about hating Tatia- each for their own reasons- and Niklaus because she could talk to him about her abuse, as he knew what it was like. Niklaus would come to her as well to treat his wounds after he would be 'disciplined' by Mikeal.

Kol she could laugh with. They often went into the woods together where he would teach her how to fight with a sword, something Niklaus sometimes did as well. Kol enjoyed her company and thought of her as a sister. 

Finn was distant at first and but after a few days he warmed up to her and the two now could talk. She would sometimes help him with his tasks and he would do the same but they were no where near as close as she was with the others. 

Esther liked her very much and often treated her as her own child whereas Mikeal detested her because of her parentage. 

Elijah... Elijah was the man of her dreams, she soon found herself crushing on him hard. Lately, she even thought she was falling for him. She knew he was courting someone and that she would not stay forever in their time but she couldn't help her feelings. Everyday, they met up by the lake and talked like they had done when they had initianally met. 

Nearly two months after her arrival, they were at the lake talking again as the sun set. 

"The view is beautiful." Kailee commented as she sat there, watching it set at the horizon. 

He made an agreeing noise. "Yes, my view is quite lovely." 

She found his answer a bit strange so she looked at him and found him staring at her. A fluttering feeling was in her chest before she reminded herself that he was still courting Tatia. 

Instead of going in on his answer, she decided to ask something entirely different. "How is Henrik, has he been getting better?" 

"Yes, he is perfectly healthy again. He demanded to be out of the house so he could do his chores. Of course mother would not let him." Elijah chuckled making Kailee giggle. 

"That is good to hear. When will your mother let him go?" 

"Tomorrow." He said. "How has your day been?" 

"Interesting. I was doing my chores with Rebekah when Tatia came and went off at me. She yelled at me for taking away her man. As if it is my fault that Niklaus stopped courting her." She said. "She even tried to hit me but Finn came and stopped her." 

"She told me the opposite." He said. 

Kailee turned to him. "What? That I hit her? That I yelled at her?" When he nodded, she stood up with squinted eyes. "You believe her! I can see it in your face!" 

"I never-" He sighed before getting up himself. 

"If you believe her, why were you here with me? Huh?" Kailee demanded. "You should be with her instead! Comforting her after I hit her." 

"So you confess doing it?" 

"No! Because I didn't. I know you don't believe me but if you listened you may have noticed I named two of your siblings who were there. If you don't believe me, ask them." With those last words she stormed away. 

After that she stayed away from him for a full week. She heard from Rebekah that he went to the lake every night in the hopes that she would be there as well but she never showed up. She still couldn't believe Elijah would think she'd do something like that. 

Word in the village was that Tatia was alone because both Mikealson brothers cut off ties with her because they both caught her cheating. Kailee wanted to comfort him but then she remembered what he thought of her and decided otherwise. 

After a week of ignoring him, she went to the lake to wash her clothes when she heard his voice, just like she had the first time they met. 

"Kailee." She wanted to get up and leave but he stopped her. "Don't! Don't leave yet. I want to apologize. It's just... when Tatia told me what you did, she had the mark of a hand on her face. It looked feminine, you can't blame me for thinking you hit her when she had proof on her face. I came here because even though you did it, you were still my best friend. I could still talk to you. I should have known otherwise, though. I should have known that you wouldn't do that but I didn't think. I am sorry for doubting you." 


"When she was yelling at you for taking away her man, she wasn't talking about Niklaus. He had already stopped courting her before that. She was talking about me. I stopped courting her. She thinks it's because of you." He said, sitting down next to her. 

She started to laugh. "She must know how wrong that is right? There is no way that you would stop courting her for me, she must know that."

When he didn't answer, she looked at him and saw a serious, pained expression on his face. 


"She was right." He said. "I did stop courting her for you." 

"Why?" She asked though she had a feeling she knew why, she just needed him to say it. 

"Because I don't feel for Tatia what I feel for you." He said, scooting closer to her. "Kailee, tell me if this is not what you want." 

"What no-" She was cut of by him crushing his lips to hers. Smiling in the kiss, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he buried his in her loose hair. 

He pulled back and looked in her eyes. "Is this what you want?" 

"This is what I want." 

"Than I'll ask Ayanna permission to court you." Elijah said, getting up. 

She looked at him as he walked closer to the woods. "What? Right now?" 

"Right now." He repeated, disapearing into the woods. 

Kailee smiled and went back to her work. 





When it comes to the pictures in the past, there won't be a lot of pictures, probably on her hair

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When it comes to the pictures in the past, there won't be a lot of pictures, probably on her hair. 

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